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People didnt like what was going on in the factories and someone needed to do something about it . The Industrial Revoulution did not lead to social reforms. Social reforms started when a bunch of women linked alcohol to child and spouse abuse. These groups of women were very sucessful with campaigning there ideas. In fact there was once a ammendmant in the Constitution stating that there was to be a prohibition of alcohol. This has since been removed because a big chunk of our economy is based on alcohol. The country to centres of industrial development during the 'Industrial Revolution' of the early 1800's. The new towns became overcrowded slum ridden centres of human depravation. It seemed natural to exploit human labour as a very cheap commodity by those who could and very natural to demand social reform from those who could not bear to see their fellow human beings live in such disgusting conditions. Our improved social conditions today are based on those few who have fought very hard to improve our circumstances over the last 150 years

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Q: Why did the Industrial Revolution lead to the social reform movement?
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