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Participating in charities and social reform movements

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What did the long range effect of the industrial revolution have on women in western societies?

The Industrial Revolution increased employment opportunities for women.

Dates of the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution was a period of time in which societies switched from agriculture to factories and industries. This change started from about 1760 and kept going until 1840.

Why societies passed worker safety laws following the Industrial revolution?

To improve the quality of life for poor workers

Why did societies pass worker safety laws following the Industrial Revolution?

To improve the quality of life for poor workers

What is Hunter-gatherer evolution into agricultural and industrial societies?

Hunter-gatherer societies evolved into agricultural societies around 12,000 years ago as people began to cultivate plants and domesticate animals for food. This shift allowed for settled communities to develop, leading to the rise of early civilizations. Industrial societies emerged in the 18th century with the advent of the Industrial Revolution, which introduced mechanization and mass production, transforming economies and societies.

What are lndustrial and post industrial societies?

Industrial societies refers to the societies living in the industrialization era while post industrial societies refer to societies living in areas that have already been developed.

Did they use agriculture in ancient rome?

Agriculture was the mainstay of all societies in the world prior to the industrial revolution of the 19th century.

What describes a way in which the specialization of jobs in development of social stratification in early societies were?

Both appeared as a result of the Neolithic Revolution.

What did the neolithic revolution describes the transition from?

The Neolithic Revolution describes the transition from nomadic, hunter-gatherer societies to settled, agricultural societies. This transition involved the domestication of plants and animals, leading to the development of permanent settlements and the cultivation of crops. It marked a significant turning point in human history, enabling the rise of complex civilizations.

What effects did the industrial revolution have on the enviorment. how did these effects influence life or those living in industrial societies?

You have two questions here. I suggest you answer them because your teacher doesn’t want our answers, but your answers.

Which describes a way in which the specialization of jobs and development of social stratification in early societies were similar?

Both appeared as a result of the Neolithic Revolution.

What is an agrian society in ancient rome?

Roman society, like all societies in the world before the industrial revolution was mainly an agrarian society.