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Jefferson reduced military expenses to lower the national debt

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Q: Why did Jefferson reduce military expenses?
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Why did Jefferson reduce military?

Jefferson reduced military expenses to lower the national debt

What did Jefferson largely rely to reduce us deficit during his presidency?

Jefferson largely relied on reducing government expenses and cutting military spending to reduce the U.S. deficit during his presidency. Additionally, he sought to increase revenue through enforcing tariffs and by implementing the Embargo Act of 1807, which aimed to prevent American goods from being exported and reduce trade deficit.

Why is it bad to reduce military expenses?

The nation becomes more vulnerable to enemies.

President jefferson chose a wizard with finaces who helped reduce government expenses as secretary of the treasury?

Albert Gallatin

What are two ways in which Jefferson presidency was important?

1. Reduced the size of military and lowered government expenses. 2. Louisiana purchase.

What was Thomas Jefferson's military experience?

Jefferson did not have any military experience.

Did Jefferson reduce the size of the army and navy and cut back on military spending?

yes... idk when tho :( from ~10k men to ~2.5k men

How do you use the word reduce in a simple sentence?

I want to reduce my expenses.

How is a budget is made?

Figure out your income,List your expenses,Categorize your expenses,Determine if expenses are below income, and Reduce expenses in flexible categoris if nessecary.

How did president Jefferson inaugural address reflect his belief about government?

In President's Jefferson's inaugural address he did reflect his belief about government by saying we "are all Republicans and we are all Federalists."

Was Thomas Jefferson a cavalry leader?

No- Jefferson was not a military leader.

How did Thomas Jefferson behave?

He reduced the national debt , scaled down military expenses , and all federal internal taxes