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yes... idk when tho :(

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Q: Did Jefferson reduce the size of the army and navy and cut back on military spending?
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How did Thomas Jefferson cut government spending?

jefferson cut his army down to a few perfessional soldiers

Why did US President Thomas Jefferson found West Point?

Thomas Jefferson was the most unlikely father of the American professional army. He was fearful of creating a standing army that might threaten the civil government, but the needs of the country demanded a well trained military officer corps. There was a need for American engineers for the military. We were depending on foreign engineers at the time. West Point would be our first engineering school. Also Jefferson was losing his battle to avoid a national military; he favored State organized militia. After the Naval War on the Barbary pirates, and seeing the potential of war with Britain in Canada, Jefferson saw that a national, professional military was unavoidable and he felt that if there was going to be a permanent military officer corps that it must be trained not as a European style elite class outside and separate from the government, but as an instrument of the republic, in a sense as a "people's army". The requirement that cadets must be approved into the corps by their congressman is an example of Jefferson's measures to make sure the military was always answerable to the civil government. West Point, New York is the location of the US Military Academy.

Did Jefferson Davis ever serve the us army?

Yes. Jefferson Davis was a West Point graduate, and served as a commissioned officer in the US Army. He left the Army, pursued a political career, and returned to military service for the Mexican-American War, having raised a regiment of volunteers known as the Mississippi Rifles (now known as the 155th Infantry Regiment of the Mississippi National Guard).

What having to do with the army?


What unusual proposal did Jefferson Davis make when he was the US secretary of war?

When Jefferson Davis served as the US secretary of war, he proposed that camels be used by the army in the desert regions of US territories. Out west, military commanders balked at this idea and what camels they had were allowed to escape, thus ending that idea.

Related questions

How did Jefferson's policies affect the preparedness of the US for the war of 1812?

It Reduced military spending leaving the army and navy unprepared and weak

How did Jefferson policies affect the preparedness of the US for the war 1812?

It Reduced military spending leaving the army and navy unprepared and weak

How did Jefferson cut government spending?

Jefferson cut the army by one-third and reduced the navy from 25 to 7 ships.

How did Thomas Jefferson cut government spending?

jefferson cut his army down to a few perfessional soldiers

Who was the main military leader of the confederate army?

Ether Jefferson Davis, or Robert E. Lee

Did thomas Jefferson change the federal budget?

Yes, Thomas Jefferson made significant changes to the federal budget during his presidency. He reduced military spending, trimmed government departments and staff, and sought to eliminate the national debt. Jefferson also implemented policies to promote agriculture, such as reducing taxes on farmers, which had an impact on the allocation of federal funds.

How did Jefferson plan to reduce the national debt?

he made major cuts to the army and navy and streamlined the government bureaucracy.

What are some reforms Jefferson made to meet his goal?

Thomas Jefferson hoped to reduce the size and expense of the federal governments and worked behind the scenes to accomplish his purposes in Congress. He significantly decreased the federal government by getting rid of staff, cutting the deficit, and cutting the army 50%. This reduced the federal bureaucracy, cut taxes and military spending. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 was his biggest accomplishment, but sparked common critique because it went against his republican values of a strict interpretation of the Constitution. In 1807, Jefferson issued an embargo trying to force France and England to recognize the independent economy of the US, but it backfired by causing huge economic issues that bankrupted many merchants.

What was the name of the Military training ground for Jefferson Davis and George meade?

Both were regular army officers trained at West Point.

What is the first military academy in America?

It is called the New York Military Academy, and was established in 1889 by Charles Jefferson Wright. It is located 60 miles north of New York in the town of Cornwall-on-Hudson. There is also the US Army Military Academy at West Point.

General Robert E. Lee was leader of the Confederacy?

No, Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederacy. General Lee was the military Commander.

Is military and army the same?

Military has different branches like Army and Navy and the Army is one branch of the military.