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Without the Nile the Egyptians would be desert nomads.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

what i have leaned in school is that the Herodotus called Egypt the gift of the Nile is because Egypt was the county of many great rulers

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Q: Why did Greek historian Herodotus call Egypt the gift of the Nile?
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Who was the Greek historian the wrote the early description of the Nile River?

The Greek historian Herodotus, who also wrote that Egypt was the "Gift of the Nile" [Because without the Nile there would be no Egypt, only desert]

Are there any other names for the River Nile?

The Nile gets its name from the Greek word "Nelios", meaning River Valley and the Greek historian, Herodotus, wrote that Egypt was the "gift of the Nile" - it thereby acquired that as a nickname. .

What is the nickname for the Nile River that mean well fed or fat?

The only generally known nickname is when the Greek historian, Herodotus, wrote that Egypt was the "gift of the Nile".

What did herodotus call Egypt?

This famous greek historian form the 5th century did much research about Egypt and other northern African countries. He called Egypt "The Gift of the Nile" because of the many things it gace to Egypt such aspapyruswildlifeflooding/waterthick black mud for farmingI hope that this helps!

Why do you think that herodotus called Egypt the gift of the nile?

Herodotus is impying that Egypt was not an advanced society because they relied to much on the Nile

Why do you think Herodotus called Egypt the gift of the Nile?

Herodotus is impying that Egypt was not an advanced society because they relied to much on the Nile

What are some gifts the Nile gave to the Egyptians?

The great historian also called Egypt the gift of the Nile.

What is the river Nile is the river on earth?

The Nile River is found in Africa and flows south through north.It is the longest river in the world its 4,160 miles (6.670 km).Although the nile is associated with Egypt only 20% of the nile runs through that country.The Nile is formed by the joining of two rivers the White Nile and the Blue Nile (at Khartoum).

What is the Gift of the Nile where does it come from?

The gift[s] of the Nile River.The Greek historian, Herodotus, coined the phrase that 'Egypt was the gift of the Nile', in his 'An Account of Egypt: Being the Second Book of His Histories Called Euterpe'Herodotus of Halicarnassus was a Greek historian who lived in the 5th century BC (c. 484 BC-c. 425 BC) and is regarded as the "Father of History" in Western culture.He is cited as writing - That of the Nile 'the river rises of itself, waters the fields, and then sinks back again - thereupon each man sows his field and waits for the harvest.' This was obviously referring to the annual flood.He also described Egypt as 'A land won by the Egyptians and given them by the Nile.'So Egypt was the Nile River's gift - because without the Nile there would be no Egypt only desert.So anything derived from the Nile would also be looked upon as a gift - the water, the floods fertile soil, the fish and the rivers obvious use for transport etc.The link below provides information and a number of short videos.

How did the nile get its name?

Zambezi means "great river" in local dialect. Before the division of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, what is named Zambia today was called Northern Rhodesia. Zambia got its name from the river.

Who is Herodotus?

Herodotus is the father of history which formulated the scientific ways of writing history. He was considered as this because of his big contribution in history. Herodotus wrote an account of the Persian Wars. His account was one of the first factual accounts of a past event. Herodotus was also the first historian of the western world.

What does gifts of the Nile mean?

Egypt is called the Gift of the Nile. The Nile annually flooded its banks creating fertile farm fields for the production of crops. The name was coined by the the philosopher Herodotus (484-425 BC)