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The great historian also called Egypt the gift of the Nile.

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Herodotus Double click on Herodotus to find out information on him.

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A natural route for transportation and an endless supply of life giving water.

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so its not just a complete waste of space

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Q: What are some gifts the Nile gave to the Egyptians?
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What is one gift the egyptians thanked the nile for?

The nile river was plentiful and got many gifts to the egyptians. Some of these gifts were fish, hippos, and birds such as ibises. These could all be hunted down and used for food, which was essential. Another gift the nile brought was water, obviously. The water could be used for irrigation, and drinking. This helped farming and helped the egyptians survive

What were some gifts provided by the Nile other than water?

Silt and salt were also deposited by the Nile river.

What are some gifts from the Nile?

Gold, wheat, barley, silk, perfume, scrolls, lotus - all are fine gifts!

What were some of the reasons why the Nile River was so valued by the Egyptians?

i dont know

What are some interesting creatures in Egypt?

Egyptians & tourists, not forgetting the Nile crocadile.

What were some disadvantage the Egyptians had to living near the Nile?

they have to face there crops dieing

How did the Nile river affect the development of Egyptians society and religion?

Rain was scarce in the Nile delta, but water was not because of the Nile. To grow crops, the Nile was recognized. To feel good, some religions were based on the Nile.

What are some Agiant Egyptian gifts of the nile?

Rich Soil , Food , Art , Religion !

What did the Egyptians use to help them predict when the nile would flood?

they sent somebody off some where to see if they could see the Nile and if they could see if the Nile was going to over flow or not.

How did the Nile River effect the egyptian's daily life?

The Nile affected the daily lives of Egyptians in many ways. For an example, everyday, when they were to take a bath the Egyptians went to Nile to cleanse themselves, as only the noblemen could afford actual showers and bathrooms. The Egyptians also went to the Nile to wash their clothes and dishes as well. The Nile was also referred to, when the people became thirsty and needed water to quench their thirst.

Were do you think most ancient egyptians lived?

river nile

Why was the Nile River worshiped as a god?

It depends upon the hymn; also it is important to keep in mind that the Nile was often a part of a title of many Egyptian gods and goddesses and there are often misunderstandings in translation which becomes miscommunication.