In a factory -
Most immigrants derived from Europe
in Canada many Chinese people helped build the Canadian pacific railway after confederation (CPR ) if you look up who built the railway you will find that most Chinese people helped build it
a farmer from Ireland
Many Mexican immigrants moved to the West and worked on ranches and farms. However, not all Mexican immigrants did this. Different people settled in different parts of the country depending on where their community or family was. Many Mexican immigrants can also find work in construction and carpentry. On that basis many can find work in the Northeast USA, and other locations.
In a factory -
They argued that most immigrants would work for low wages, which would take the jobs from them.
When immigrants arrived, Nativists would throw objects at them. They would throw rocks, or wood, or dirt. If that wasn't bad enough, Nativists would exile immigrants to the dirtiest, most dingy and unhealthy outskirts of the city. The immigrants were forced into the worst jobs.
Most immigrants derived from Europe
well imigrants usally go to the USA to find work and everything.
Most people would look for them but if you cant find them then buy new ones.
The most immigrants were historically from the continent of Asia
The immigrants lives were horrible. The streets would be filled with filth and most would be living a hand to mouth existence. They would have jobs in factories that were dark and unsafe.
poor foreign immigrants
They would go to Ellis Island outside of New York.
Australia has the most immigrants ion the country of Australia.
Most immigrants reside in Southeast King County.