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a farmer from Ireland

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Q: Which of these immigrants would most easily assimilate into American society in the late 1800s?
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Why were the new immigrants unable to blend into American society as easily as the old immigrants who had come before them?

they did not practice the same religion as most americans

Why were the new immigrants unable to blend into Americans society as easily as the old immigrants who had come before them?

they did not practice the same religion as most americans

Why was the war in Philippines less popular with the American people than the Spanish American war had been?

The Spanish-American war was won easily and was inexpensive.

How were new immigrants treated by old stock Americans?

The Irish were treated quite poorly and were actually considered a separate race until they assimilated more fully into mainstream US culture. During the 1800's many stores even had signs that said "Irish Need Not Apply" which sounds like something one would expect in Nazi Germany or the South before the Civil Rights Movement. During World War I many immigrants and their children were treated poorly because they came from countries that the US was fighting. German immigrants were referred to as enemy aliens. German-Americans were so discriminated against that many changed their names to sound more "American" and at least one lynching due to anti-German feeling is on record. Pretty much any group that was not English-speaking was discriminated against in some way which is why there are such areas as Chinatown and Little Italy in many US cities; immigrants had to stick together to survive. Immigrants usually worked at low paying jobs in terrible conditions; for example, most of the employees of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory (which burned down in 1911 and killed many of the workers in the building) were young immigrant women.

Did the Scottish immigrants face segregation in America?

Yes, Scottish people faced many types of discrimination. They were persecuted for their religious beliefs, their cultural practices, and their family values.

Related questions

Why did nativists believe that fewer immigrants should be allowed in the country?

Nativists believed that fewer immigrants should be allowed in the country because they felt that immigrants took jobs away from native-born Americans, caused social problems, and diluted American culture and values. They also feared that immigrants would not assimilate into American society easily.

What immigrants would most easily assimilate into American society in the late 1800s?

peasants and laborers seeking better economic conditions #plato

Why were the new immigrants unable to blend into American society as easily as the old immigrants who had come before them?

they did not practice the same religion as most americans

Why were the new immigrants unable to blend into Americans society as easily as the old immigrants who had come before them?

they did not practice the same religion as most americans

How did innovations industry transpotation and communicay tion affect the nature of work in american society?

The job markets flourish because people were now better able to get to and from easily.

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Different between Asian immigrant and European immigrant?

European immigrants easily assimilated into American culture, while Asians did not, due to their differences in culture and appearance with the American people. European immigrants also came to work and live here, while Asians came to work and earn money for their families back home, they were known as the "Birds of Passage".

Why did nonwhite immigrants have a harder time adjusting than European immigrants did?

Because there were strong white immigrant groups in the US. Irish people could easily transition to a larger Irish community in the US. It was harder for non-white immigrants to form strong communities. Racism was also a factor.

Where can one find information on joining the American Bible Society?

One's local church or church leaders should be able to provide this information. Alternatively, this information can also be easily found on the organization's official website.

Where in the Houston area can I get home inspectors training?

You could get online training at, If that does not work try, ASHI, stands for the American Society of Home Inspectors. You should be able to find training there very easily.

Why is forensic accounting important in your society?

Helps detect fraud in a company or society so that the money wont be easily stolen from the inside

Cars impact and change on society?

They give transportation to humans. They get you to places easily