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water areobics

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Q: What type of aerobic exercise is most beneficial following knee-replacement surgery?
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What is an aerobic atmosphere?

the environment which has the availability of oxygen it is called aerobic atmosphere and if the availability of oxygen is not there in atmosphere then it is anaerobic type We live in a aerobic atmosphere which has the oxygen available

How many crunches does it take to lose 1 pound?

crunches will not lose body fat or weight. aerobic exercise such as running will reduce body fat. it takes 3500 calories to make a pound of fat. reduce your intake by 500 a day/7days = 3500. With exercise, you should lose a pound a week. p.s crunches or resistance work will only tone the muscle but fat will stil be over it.

Is soccer aerobic?

more than gymnastics

Why is aerobic endurance need for football players?

because footballers need to get up and down the pitch, and last the full 90 minutes, aswell as if there is extra time.

How does exercise affect aging?

Exercise does slow the aging process. When we say "aging" we usually mean the deterioration of function of internal organ systems, tightening of connective tissue, loss of muscle tone and strength, poor breathing, loss of general energy and decreased cognition. Exercises that emphasize using the body in a fluid way, such as Tai-chi and chi-gung help to improve the flow of blood, lymph and intercellular fluid, thus bring more nutrients to the cells, eliminating waste and improving the immune system. Yoga helps prevent the shrinking of the body due to the shrinkage of connective tissue and tension of the muscles. Pilates improves muscle tone and coordination. A new exercise called "Zookinesis", based on Tai-chi, chi-gung and Yoga, is known as, "Age Reversal Exercises". It has all of the above benefits plus improving breathing, increasing the strength of the mind, increasing flexibility and increasing general energy levels. Swimming helps to keep the joints loose, tones muscles and can be aerobic. There are many people who stay "young" throughout life by practicing gentle exercises.

Related questions

What type of aerobic exercise is most beneficial following replacement surgery?

water areobics

What type aerobic exercise is most beneficial following knee replacement surgery?

water areobics

What type of aerobic exercise is most beneficial following knee replacements surgery?

water areobics

Why are aerobic forms of exercise so beneficial for Wight control?

With daily cardio activity, you can reset your body's balance for optimum weight control. Aerobic exercise makes up a portion of any healthy workout routine.

Exercise helps your heart work more efficiently?

Aerobic exercise

What kind of exercise creates an oxygen deficit?

Aerobic exercise requires oxygen, anaerobic exercise does not. Aerobic exercises include walking, running, swimming, and jumping rope.

Why are aerobic forms exercise so beneficial for weight control?

If you do about 30 minutes of excercise you break a threshold where your body will begin metabolizing faster for the rest of the day.

Does exercise equipment really give you a full body workout equal to an aerobic class?

Companies that sell exercise equipment, like Nautilus, are obviously going to tell you that their equipment is better, but any aerobic exercise that gets your heart rate up is beneficial. The only drawback would be the impact on your joints, so consider this if you have certain restrictions.

Is tap dancing an aerobic exercise?

Yes, any form of dance can be considered aerobic exercise.

What is arobic exercise?

Aerobic exercise is also called cardio exercise. This exercise is low intensity and focuses on generating aerobic or oxygen related energy.

Why is exercise important for the heart?

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic Exercise Equipment?

form_title= Aerobic Exercise Equipment form_header= Get into shape with aerobic equipment! Do you currently own any aerobic equipment?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure If so, what kind?*= _ What is your current exercise routine?*= _ What is your budget for the equipment?*= _