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The physically smallest I've ever seen was either a 6 inch artillery shell or the warheads of the Peacemaker missile, both had yields in the 10KTon to 400KTon range.

The lowest yield I've ever seen was the 12 inch Davy Crockett warhead which could be selected for a minimum yield of 10Tons (yes only 20,000 pounds!). There have been bigger conventional explosions.

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Q: What is the smallest nuclear bomb?
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What is the smallest nuclear weapon?

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A hydrogen bomb is a type of nuclear bomb that uses a two-stage process involving fission and fusion reactions, resulting in a much more powerful explosion than a traditional nuclear bomb, which typically only uses fission reactions. In contrast, a standard nuclear bomb, also known as an atomic bomb, relies purely on fission reactions to release energy.

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Atoms are not bombs themselves. A bomb typically refers to an explosive device designed to release a large amount of energy rapidly, often through a chemical or nuclear reaction. In the context of nuclear weapons, the energy is released through nuclear fission or fusion reactions involving atomic nuclei, not individual atoms.

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