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A QWERTY-type keyboard has the layout of semi-randomly placed keys on a keyboard. The layout was created to slow down fast typists using an ABC-type keyboard, as older typewriters could not handle fast typing speeds without jamming errors. The layout does not show a pattern of the alphabet. This is the most popular type of keyboard, and is widely accepted for all uses. A ABC-type keyboard has the layout of neatly placed keys on a keyboard, in alphabetical order. This layout is not popular at all, and is not widely accepted, for modern reasons. Going from the QWERTY format to an ABC-type format would take much adjustment.

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The standard QWERTY keyboard as is common in most English-speaking parts of the world was not designed to slow down fast typists but, rather, to allow faster typing than allowed by other designs. The most commonly needed characters (such as E) are easily reached and thus are truly right at one's fingertips. This allows the ability to type most words at ease. The less common letters such as Z are set off more to the side to keep them still available without much effort but out of the way in favor of the other keys.

The other keyboard that is sometimes used is called the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard or simply Dvorak. Having never gotten used to typing on one, I don't know whether I would be able to type even faster with it than I can on a regular keyboard (I type about 80 to 100 words per minute with a QWERTY keyboard). One of the most noticeable features of the Dvorak keyboard is that all the vowels are right next to each other at the left side of the middle row with E being directly under the middle finger. The most common consonants (S, T, R, L, and N) are all grouped together for use by the middle, ring, and pinky fingers of the right hand and are configured with T, N, and S directly under said fingers of the right hand on the middle row with R and L being on the top row just above the ring and pinky fingers, respectively. The other keys are arranged in what is supposed to be a more optimal configuration for ease of typing.

Comparing the two keyboards, the number row at the top of the keyboard is the same from the tilde key through to the 0 key. The - and = keys, though, have been relocated and replaced with the bracket keys. On the upper row, the only key that is the same is the \ key that sits just above the Enter key. On the middle row, the A key is the only key in the same position. The bottom row has the M key in the same position. Tab, Caps Lock, and other such keys remain placed the same between the two keyboards.

I hope this helps. If you have other questions, feel free to drop me a line.

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well qwerty keyboards are different form abc keyboards to tell if the keyboard is qwerty or not look along the top row of letters abc keyboards will say abc at the top qwerty keyboards will say qwerty at the top sorry if this is not the answer you want wrong! The answer is, that QWERTY is the first Six letters of the keyboard on the top left side.

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This goes back to when people used typewriters, a man named Christopher Sholes did not like when he had type bar problems (When two different letter 'arms' got tangled) so he made a new typewriter layout which has been nicknamed, the QWERTY keyboard. Christopher Sholes was a newspaper editor and printer who lived in Milwaukee. The reason computers have QWERTY keyboards is because the most used letters are right there for you to type. If we had an ABC keyboard it would overwork some fingers and underwork others. Therefore the keyboard would not be as efficient as a QWERTY keyboard. Also, typing would get tiring.

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"QWERTY" is the nickname for a "standard" keyboard. It comes from the first 5 letters at the left side of the top row of that keyboard. At one time some years ago, an "ABC" keyboard was proposed as an alternative which featured the keys laid out in alphabetical order starting with "ABC" at the left side of the top row of the keyboard. As far as I know, this keyboard version has since thankfully fallen into oblivion.

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