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AGC fuses have glass body. ABC fuses have a ceramic body.

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Q: What is the difference between AGC and ABC fuses?
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Is AGC are used in oscillator or in receiver?

Yes, It is.

Which dna strand is complementary to cga atc agc?

Gct tag tcg

Why do you use a delayed AGC?

The disadvantage of automatic gain control, attenuating even the weak signal, is overcome by the use of delayed automatic gain control (dagc).

Principle of peak AGC system?

A peak-based AGC system, such as is required for SSB, will reduce the receiver gain by 6 dB as the modulating percentage increases from 0% to 100%. A receiver with a peak-responding AGC system will, in theory, cause a gain reduction as modulation percentage increases and a gain increase as the modulation level decreases. (Thanks to Clifton Laboratories 7236 Clifton Road Clifton VA 20124 tel: (703) 830 0368 fax: (703) 830 0711 E-mail:

When you prove a voltage to be induced using a Simpson why does the input impeadance on the different voltage scales produce different readings for the amount of voltage?

One possibility is that the accuracy of the Simpson is different on the different scales. Another (more probable) possibility is that the impedance of the Simpson on the different scales is sufficiently different so as to affect the reading. This is a common issue with low impedance multi-meters. Lets say you are using a typical Simpson meter with 20,000 Ohms per Volt. On a three volt scale, that means the meter itself has an impedance of 60,000 Ohms. On a 60 volt scale, however the meter has an impedance of 1,200,000 Ohms. Depending on the circuit impedance, that can have a significant impact on the final reading, which must be taken into consideration. Look at the equation for parallel resistance: RT = R1R2 / (R1+R2). If the meter impedance changes the circuit impedance by more than, say, 5%, that is going to affect the observed value. (You pick the percent limit - it depends on the situation.) Even for the case with a high impedance meter, say a 10,000,000 Ohm Digital Multi-meter, impedance must be considered if the circuit impedance is high enough. (I have a WWVB receiver that requires a 1,000,000,000 Ohm voltmeter to correctly measure the AGC voltage - no ordinary digital multimeter will suffice.)This does not mean that you have to spend lots of money on a high performance, high impedance, meter. You simply have to consider what the impedance of the meter is going to do to the circuit, and calculate that impact, before you state the results.

Related questions

Difference between ABC and agc fuses?

ABC = Ceramic Body AGC = Glass Body

What does ACG mean on a fuse?

Are you sure you do not mean AGC? AGC stands for Automotive Glass Cartridge (Fuse). AGC fuses are fast acting fuses that will blown very quickly to protect components.

Where can you buy discount agc fuses?

check eBay

What is the difference between an AGS fuse and an AGC fuse?

The ags is an obsolete fuse no longer in production. It is nearly identical to the agc except it has a larger diameter

Do I use sfe or agc style fuses for my 1965 Impala?

Which style of fuse do I use for 1965 SS Impala, sfe or agc?

What ist the difference between a sfe and an agc fuse?

Both the SFE and AGC are glass fuses with a meltable link within the glass. The SFE fuses all measure 1/4" in diameter. The length is determined by the amperage rating, which varies from 5/8" in length (4 amp.) to 1 7/16" in length (30 amp). The SFE fuse is also designated as "size rejecting" because the size differences are related to the amperage rating and tends to prevent interchanging different amperage ratings. The AGC fuse measures 1 1/4" in length and the diameter is 1/4" for all amperage ratings.

Is AGC and ABC fuse the same?

AGC Series Fast-Acting Glass Tube ABC Series Fast-Acting Ceramic Tube MDL Series Time-Delay Glass Tube MDA Series Time-Delay Ceramic Tube GBB Series Very Fast-Acting Ceramic Tube

What does AGC mean on a fuse -?

The AG stands for All Glass. There are suffix types "A" (Up to five amps and shorter than AGC); "C" (up to thirty amps) and "U" (up to sixty amps, big and fat) that I know of. These glass fuses come in a style called "SFE" from "Society of Fuse Engineers". They run up to about 25 amps and are longer than AGC. The new blade fuses are AT, from American blade Type. ATC, up to thirty amps. ATM (mini) and so on.

What does AGC stand for on a fuse?

AGC is a fuse type IE; the glass ones with the metal tips on the ends.

Types of Automatic gain control circuits?

2 types 1.simple AGC 2.delayed AGC

AGC is used in which of the stage?


What is delayed agc?

In a normal AGC, even the unwanted signals gets amplified, But u dont want that to happen, so until the Input Signal strength reaches a threshold, the AGC feedback signal is not applied to the amplifier biasing circuit..