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Q: What is ETS referring to with the Vietnam war?
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When did the US enter Vietnam?

If your referring to the Vietnam War, the first U.S military advisors arrived in Vietnam in 1950.

How did people react when Vietnam war was over?

That would depend on which people you are referring to. It would also be depenable on which war and with whom.

What countries invaded Vietnam?

If you're referring to the Vietnam War, then the war was mainly fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was communist, and was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba. South Vietnam was capitalist, and was supported by the United States, Australia, the Philippines, and South Korea. Vietnam was also invaded and conquered, then colonized, by France in the 1800s.

Great sayings by military leaders?

Don't fix it, if it's not broken (US Army). Strategy is outside of cannon shot (range). Tactics is within cannon shot (range) (Napoleon). Search and Destroy (Vietnam War). Body Count (Vietnam War). Bomb them back into the stone age (General LeMay referring to North Vietnam). Torch it (Vietnam War: Using the zippo cigarette lighter). Chopper em in (Vietnam War).

What does VC stand for?

If you are a Briton you are probably referring to the medal, The Victoria Cross which is the highest military award offered with in the military. Otherwise you're referring to The Viet Cong which made up the enemy during The Vietnam War.

Who lived in Vietnam during the Vietnam war?

Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!

What is regarded as the army record of low point in history?

It would depend on which countries army you are referring to. In the case of the US Army then it is possibly the Vietnam War.

Was the Vietnam war in Pennsylvania?

No, the Vietnam War was in Vietnam

How does this memorial honor the veterans that fought in this war?

If you are referring to Washington D.C. AKA daily geography week 23, i believe it is :Vietnam Veterans Memorial

What was the name of the major war in the 60s?

the Vietnam War

What war often regarded as a low point in morale in the army's record?

It would depend on which countries army you are referring to. In the case of the US Army then it is possibly the Vietnam War.

What war is often regarded as a low point in morale in the army record?

It would depend on which countries army you are referring to. In the case of the US Army then it is possibly the Vietnam War.