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If you're referring to the Vietnam War, then the war was mainly fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was communist, and was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba. South Vietnam was capitalist, and was supported by the United States, Australia, the Philippines, and South Korea.

Vietnam was also invaded and conquered, then colonized, by France in the 1800s.

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Q: What countries invaded Vietnam?
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How many countries invaded Vietnam in the Vietnam war?

North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam. Russia and China and to a smaller extent Cuba came alongside North Vietnam to help their cause. The United States, Canada, Australia, Philippines, and Korea aided South Vietnam in defending their sovereignty.

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North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam.

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Is Vietnam colonized or invaded?

colonized by french and invaded by mongolions

How many countries has china invaded?

Vietnam in 1979 ,India in 1962 ,Tibet in 1950

Who tried to invade Vietnam?

NORTH Vietnam "invaded" South Vietnam (successfully by 1975). South VN never invaded North VN.

Where did the US invade Vietnam?

The US never invaded Vietnam.

What happened when Vietnam was invaded BY AMERICA?

South Vietnam greeted the GI's with open arms. North Vietnam was never invaded by US forces (however, it was heavily bombed).

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How was the Vietnam conflict similar to that in Korea?

The North invaded the South with communists being in the North in both countries, they were both caused by efforts to reunite themselves.

Do the us invade Vietnam?

no they invaded us