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They are caught and flogged.

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Q: What happens to the captives who try to get the extra fish the slave traders caught in the life of olaudah equiano?
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When was Olaudah Equiano captured?

Olaudah Equiano was born in what is now Nigeria, in 1745. He was kidnapped and sold to slave traders in 1756, at the age of 11.

How was olaudah equiano enslaved?

He was captured at the age of eleven, by slave traders.

How did olaudah equiano become a free man?

Olaudah Equiano purchased his own freedom in 1766 by saving money from trading goods. He eventually earned enough to buy his freedom from his owner, Captain Pascal. After obtaining his freedom, Equiano became an active abolitionist and author, sharing his experiences as a former slave to advocate for the abolition of the slave trade.

What happens to the captives who try to get the extra fish the slave traders caught?

They devour the fish instantly

How did Olaudah equiane view white man?

Olaudah Equiano viewed white men in varying ways. He was critical of the cruelty and oppression inflicted by some white men, particularly slave traders. However, he also acknowledged the kindness and compassion shown by others, leading him to have a complex perspective on white individuals.

How did Equiano become a free man?

olaudah was freed when he raised enough money to buy his freedom. he did this in 1766 by trading things to travelers and other traders

Why does the white men beat equiano?

Olaudah Equiano was beaten by white men as a form of punishment or control, reflecting the prevalent attitudes of the time towards slaves. Slavery was justified through the belief in the inferiority of African people, leading to the dehumanization and mistreatment of individuals like Equiano.

How do you pronounce Equiano?

Africans who had sold other Africans to slave traders

What criticisms of the slave trade were shared by both Olaudah Equiano and Quobna Ottobah Cugoano?

Both Equiano and Cugoano criticized the brutal treatment of slaves, the inhumane conditions on slave ships, and the dehumanizing effects of slavery on both slaves and slave owners. They also both condemned the hypocrisy of Christian slave traders who espoused moral values while participating in the slave trade.

4Why did Olaudah think the crew possessed magic?

Because of the difference in appearance that the traders had, their language and long hair. This made Olaudah believe that the crew possessed magic.

Why does equiano blame the illness aboard the ship on the improvident avarice of the traders?

Equiano blames the illness on the traders because he believes they were more concerned with making a profit than ensuring the well-being of the enslaved people. The traders overcrowded the ship, provided inadequate food and water, and neglected basic hygiene measures, leading to the spread of disease among the enslaved Africans. Equiano sees their actions as prioritizing greed over human life.

Who were the people equiano mentions that had been receiving their pay?

africans who had sold other africans to slave traders