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They were beaten to death by less self-righteous hippies.

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Q: What ever happened to the couple interviewed in Woodstock who didn't have tickets blonde mustache piercing eyes?
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Related questions

Is it normal for a lip piercing to smell bad?

No that is not normal u are either suffering from it being infected or your going to grow a purple mustache

Passing out from a lip piercing?

happens cause your body goes into shock after the piercing. happened to me..

Bottom lip piercing getting ripped out?

This piercing is a little difficult to maintain but it has a slight chance of getting torn, if this happened bathe it or take it out to prevent scaring or infection.

Can you tan with a belly button piercing?

my first belly piercing was at the end of May of last year so right before summer and i swam, tanned, and changed the piercing all the time and noting happened to me. the only thing i recommend is just use sunscreen and you'll be fine :]

Does it hurt to kiss some one with a pointed horseshoue lip piercing?

From personal expierince it doesn't hurt, but it can be kind of uncomfortable at first. Practice makes perfect. Also, from the piercing being moved around while kissing, sometimes the inside of the piercing can get stuck and hurt a little. This happened with my monroe.

What is dot piercing?

A dot piercing is a piercing that has a stud.

What kind of piercing is a Monroe piercing?

A Monroe piercing is a piercing on the left upper lip. It's called the Monroe piercing due to Marilyn Monroe's mole piercing. Many people now has this piercing which was started by the celebrity herself.

What is a male piercing?

"Male piercing" normally means a piercing in a man's genitals.

Does Miley Cyrus have a cartilage piercing?

yes she does have a cartilage piercing on one ear she also has a nose piercing and a belly piercing too.

How do you stop the ear piercing swallow?

IDK what a swallow is but if your talking about the earring getting embedded then you can loosen up the back of the earring that happened to me so that's what I did and it works

Can the ball go backwards into the belly button piercing?

yes! if it does you need to go to a doctor and have it looked at because that happened to mine and it turns out it was severely infected and i had to take it out.

How long can you remove a belly piercing for?

Depends on your body, how old the piercing is, and what size the piercing is.