Always be my carina (:
toujours = always a jamais = have never
well amour means love, j'amie means i love, and toujours mean always or still
Always never luck in love.
I have a ring that says that and on the inside it translates it. It means "My heart is yours forever" ..... remember always be true to yourself
Not laudace, l'audace - boldness. From a speech by georges Danton, whipping up fervour for the revolutionary war. 2 September 1792, Assemblée législative: 'Messieurs, il faut de l'audace, encore de l'audace et toujours de l'audace et la France est sauvée.' Gentlemen, what is needed is boldness, more boldness and perpetual boldness, and France is saved.
comme toujours - as always
"pureté pour toujours" mean "purity forever" in English.
"Beaucoup d'amour toujours" translates to "lots of love always" in English.
The French phrase "amitié pour toujours" translates as "friendship for ever" in English.
"un bijou pour toujours" means "a jewel forever" in French.
'I love you always'
"Je te donne toujours" translates to "I always give you" in English.
toujours dans mon propre petit monde means 'always in my own small word' in English.
l'amour trouve toujours un moyen = Love always finds a way
je - I suis - am toujours - always? le voiture - the car i am always the car?
'Always my best friend'