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West Virginia and Nevada both entered the US during the Civil War.

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Q: What was the only state formed during the Civil War?
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What colony state was the only state to secede from another state during the civil war?

West Virginia.

What was the only state to be admitted to the union during the civil war?

West Virginia

The only state to join the union during the civil war was?

West Virginia

Was Colorado a Confederate or Union State during the Civil War?

Union. The population was very small though, and only about three regiments of infantry, and three regiments of cavalry, and one light artillery battery were formed in the state, or approximately 6,000 men who volunteered to fight for the Union.

What is the only state that was formed from valcanoes?

The state that is formed from valcanoes is Hawaii.

What new state was created because only half of it wanted to secede during the civil war?

West Virginia

Were New Hampshire civil unions limited by state law to same-sex couples only?

Yes, only same-sex couples were issued civil union licenses in New Hampshire during the time when the state issued such licenses.

What state has the same name as a famous US president whose term was during the Civil War?

No state is named after a Civil War era president. The only state named for a president is Washington State, named for our first president, George Washington.

When was West Virginia admitted as a state?

West Virginia (WV) became a state on June 20, 1863 under President Lincoln during the Civil War. It was originally part of Virginia and it's southern borders are contoured by rivers and mountains (which is why the border isn't in straight lines like other states).

Is gettysberg a state?

yes it is a state but only in the civil war

Were Connecticut civil unions limited by state law to same-sex couples only?

Yes, only same-sex couples were issued civil union licenses in Connecticut during the time when the state issued such licenses.

What month day and year did WV become a state?

{| |- | June 1861 was the month and year. It was the only state that was established during the Civil War. There continues to be controversy over the method used to create the state. |}