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While no age is perfect, in many ways, the Renaissance was a golden age for art and architecture. There was a renewed interest in classical forms, with many architects making use of styles that had been popular in ancient Greece and Rome; but they did not simply imitate these styles-- rather, they adapted them to their own age.

Where the middle ages was a time when architects were expected to conform to the expectations of the Church, the Renaissance was a time when architects had more freedom to explore a variety of perspectives, even when designing religious structures. Renaissance cathedrals often had domes, and there were paintings or murals on the walls and ceilings. Many buildings were designed in a symmetrical and orderly manner, with doric or ionic columns, and decorative moldings, as they did in ancient Greece and Rome. Renaissance architects were also influenced by the philosophy of Humanism, which referred to a commitment to having all citizens engaged in education and involved in civic life. It was an era when architects debated and discussed the philosophy of their profession, and the buildings they designed (which were paid for by wealthy patrons), were expected to be beautiful so that they would inspire the average person to become more educated and appreciate art.

As for the negative effects, this is difficult to say. Architecture of that period reflected a particular set of attitudes and beliefs, and the style became so popular that it spread throughout Europe and lasted for several hundred years.

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