Most likely get sent to the prison/ dungeon or get executed.
God sent the plaques to Egypt as Pharaoh heart was turned hard and would not release the slaves.
the female pharaoh that was sent trade expeditions to punt was hatchsepsut. there is a long story involving this female pharaoh. hatchespsut's son was called Thutmose. scientists who looked into this story that happened way back in the 1400s (BC) say that Thutmose might have been jealous because he wanted to be pharaoh of Egypt, because his step mother, hatchespsut, took the position of being pharaoh instead. scientists also say that one day hatchsepsut was there, the next day she was gone. stories say that the reason why hatchsepsut all of a sudden dissapeared, was because thutmose tried to erase all signs of his mother. but obviously thutmose didn do a very good job of that because we are still talking about her today.
Hatshepsut was one of the only successful female pharaohs. She built many temples and sent an expedition to the land of Punt.
God sent ten plagues upon Egypt (Exodus ch.7-12), not only the plague of frogs. The purpose of the plagues was to impress upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians that God is the Boss (Exodus 7:5) and that the Israelites must be freed in order to serve Him (Exodus 7:26).The K'li Yakar commentary writes that, since the Egyptians worshiped the Nile, God symbolically trounced their false belief by making the Nile a source of anguish in the first two plagues. Also, since Pharaoh refused to recognize the voice of God (Exodus 5:2), He forced Pharaoh to listen to the constant croaking of the frogs (and later the unnaturally loud thunder during the hailstorms (Exodus 9:28) (K'li Yakar).
Tribute if you are talking about Egypt but Taxes if you are talking about America or Europe.
These payments are called remittances. They are typically sent by immigrants living and working in another country to support their families in their home country.
Yes, it is not possible to reject Zelle payments once they have been sent.
No, it is generally not possible to reverse Zelle payments once they have been sent.
Most likely get sent to the prison/ dungeon or get executed.
In effect, the car isn't paid off. If you check your documentation, you will find that they can do that. If the cheque bounced, the payments haven't been made.
God sent the plaques to Egypt as Pharaoh heart was turned hard and would not release the slaves.
A monthly statement or monthly invoice is typically sent to a customer summarizing all transactions for that period. It provides a breakdown of charges, payments, and any remaining balance.
When you are forced to leave your country that is called 'exile' or 'banishment'.Contrary to popular opinion this is NOT deportation. Deportation refers to foreigners being sent back to their country of origin.
God sent Plagues.