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God sent ten plagues upon Egypt (Exodus ch.7-12), not only the plague of frogs. The purpose of the plagues was to impress upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians that God is the Boss (Exodus 7:5) and that the Israelites must be freed in order to serve Him (Exodus 7:26).

The K'li Yakar commentary writes that, since the Egyptians worshiped the Nile, God symbolically trounced their false belief by making the Nile a source of anguish in the first two plagues. Also, since Pharaoh refused to recognize the voice of God (Exodus 5:2), He forced Pharaoh to listen to the constant croaking of the frogs (and later the unnaturally loud thunder during the hailstorms (Exodus 9:28) (K'li Yakar).

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It was God and not Moses who sent the 10 plagues in Egypt.And not Moses.

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Q: Why did God send the frogs upon Egypt?
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Which animals did god send as plagues?

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What did God send to Egypt?

Several plagues

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No they were all ten of them sent by god on the land of Egypt.

What four plaguse that god sent to Egypt?

frogs, blood, giant ants, killing of first born

How many plague sent upon Egypt?

God sent ten plagues trying to prove Pharaoh (Rameses the second) that God is real and letting the Isrealites free from slavery. Seven days of blood, frogs, gnats, flies, death of the Egyptians' animals, boils (sores), hail, locusts, three days of darkness, and the firstborn of Egypt.

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Yes, though depending upon the dynasty.

What are a series of disasters sent by god to Egypt?

water turns to blood, bugs eat all their crops, frogs, boils, meteors..ect

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When Moses was in Midian, God sent him back to Egypt in order to begin his mission of taking the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus ch.4).See also:The ExodusJewish history timeline

The ten plages?

The Ten Plagues or "The 10 Wonders of God" were 10 events taking place in Egypt in the book of Exodus from the Bible. According to the Bible the 10 plagues were caused by God as punishment to Egypt for not letting the enslaved Jews be set free. According to the book of Exodus Moses (A shepherd sent by God) asked the pharoah of Egypt to let God's people go. The pharoah refused. So God sent these 10 plagues upon the Egyptians and their land: the plague of Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Boils, Hail and fire, Locusts, total darkness, and the final plague: every firstborn son in Egypt was killed by the Angel of Death. After the last of these the Pharoah finally let the Jews who had been slaves under Egypt free.

What is the main conflict in the story of Moses in Egypt in old Testament?

Moses was sent to Egypt by God to bring the Hebrews out of their slavery so that God could start a new nation (People) for His name. The main problem was that Pharaoh was not willing to let the people go. God sent many plagues upon Egypt, but it wasn't until the death of the "first borns" that Pharaoh decided to let the people go out of his country. Of coarse we know that Pharaoh had second thoughts and send troops to bring them back. but God drowned the soldiers in the Red Sea.

What was the main difference between Judaism and religion in ancient Egypt?

Egypt was polytheistic; while Judaism rejects idolatry, and is based upon the worship of the Creator, who is the One and only God.

Did the 10 plagues affect God's people in Egypt?

Every one in Egypt was affected, as frogs were everywhere, Not only the ones god sent but also the ones the Egyptian magcians made to come on the land. magi