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1. People were stripped before entering the gas chambers.

2. The chambers were separated into female and male areas.

3. At some camps people were not initially entered into the chambers; they were only executed if they had exceeded their deemed usefulness to the welfare of the camp or if they were insuboordinate in their behavior. --- # Large gas chambers were built specifically for the 'Final Solution', that is for the Holocaust, for Jews and gypsies. # They came into routine operation in March 1942. # At extermination camps the majority of newly arrived Jews and gypsies were gassed as soon as practical after arrival. (Gassing was not usually used as a punishment). # Except at Majdanek, the SS tried to blow up the gas chambers before they left.

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Q: What are facts about gas chambers in concentration camps?
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What camps were the gas chambers located in during the holocaust what were the names of the camps?

concentration camps.

What did they do a concentration camps?

they killed the jews mostly by them going into gas chambers

What countries had gas chambers?

The six concentration camps with gas chambers (Extermination Camps) were all in Poland. _________________ Some other concetration camps, such as Stutthof (technically in Danzig) had small gas chambers for killing prisoners no longer able to work.

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There were Barracks, crematories, factories, watchtowers, gas chambers, and a host of other buildings in concentration camps such as Auschwitz.

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Yes, traces of cyanide have been found in the gas chambers at Auschwitz II. The concentrations are low, but this is not surprising given that the gas chambers were blown up and left exposed to the elements of about thirty years.

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The link below provides an answer.

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Gas chambers, concentration camps

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Concentration camps and Gas chambers.

Were Prisoners killed in Polish concentration camps inside gas chambers?

No. Poland holds no responsibility for the concentration camps, they were in Poland, but they were owned and run by the Germans.

Who was the first person to die in the gas chambers?

Gas chambers in the concentration camps would usually fill up to 500 to 2,000 people at a time ad there were alot of concentration camps so basically Im saying that will never be known

Where were gas chambers in World War 2?

Mainly in extermination camps, but some ordinary concentration camps also had small gas chambers (for example, Stutthof). In addition, in 1941 the Nazis also had some mobile gas chambers consisting of vans.

How did they kill women in concentration camps?

Gas chambers, guns, typhus, etc. Basically anything.