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concentration camps.

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Q: What camps were the gas chambers located in during the holocaust what were the names of the camps?
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Related questions

What was the fate of Austria's Jews during the Holocaust?

Concentration camps and Gas chambers.

Why was Auschwitz the worst concentration camp to be in during the Jewish Holocaust?

they sent the most jews to the gas chambers out of all of the camps

Where were these people take in holocaust?

consintration camps and gas chambers ovens

What were the camps during the Holocaust?

Concentraion camps

What were the major camps during the Holocaust?

Most were located in Poland. The three most well known camps are Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and Warsaw.

Did the concentration camps contribute the holocaust?

Concentration camps were very common during and before the Holocaust.

Who were killed in gas chambers?

During the Holocaust, millions of Jews, along with other groups such as Roma people, Soviet prisoners of war, and disabled individuals, were killed in gas chambers by the Nazis as part of their genocidal policies. This occurred primarily in extermination camps such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor.

What were the horrors of the Holocaust?

Hitler sent the jewish people to concentraition camps and killed them for no reason in gas chambers.

What were the worst concentration camps and where are they located?

Holocaust, In Germany

Did the Holocaust spread quickly?

No. It is said that there were many different mini-Holocausts as there were many actions which were not connected. Even the death camps where the gas chambers were located were run on two different systems.

Where were the Jews placed during the Holocaust?

Concentration camps

What did the jew's do at the labor camps during the holocaust?
