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Torches and oil or candle lamps. Tapestries hanging on the walls for warmth. Large heavy banquet tables. A kitchen with a huge fireplace and hearth, and dogs to turn the rotating spit. A huge stone oven for bread. A map and document room filled with scrolls made of parchment (sheepskin). A stable for the horses, both light and heavy. A room for storage of armaments such as spears, arbalests, crossbows, longbows, swords, and armor. This is only a small part of what would be in the main castle complex.

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Q: What 3 things would you find in a medieval castle?
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find out your self lazy buggers im not doing it for yoy

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i would say that in a medieval castle you would find a king, queen, princess/prince, court jester, servant's, chief's.

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If you have access to google, click on images, type in medieval castles, then press 'google search'. If not, you could click on the link below named "Castle Images:google".

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You cannot find Israphel's castle in a minecraft world unless you build it or download a MCedit schematic or the yogscast map where the castle is. Unless you do one of those things there is no way you will find that castle in your worlds.

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I find this one very useful.

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