There is not an End Castle in minecraft, the End is basically only to fight the Ender Dragon. But maybe we will see a Ender Castle in further updates.
You have to get an account on the real minecraft website.
There is no cordinates to it,but you can find it in the Nether. That's all I know where it is.
Endermen only exist in Minecraft. They are not real.
There is not an End Castle in minecraft, the End is basically only to fight the Ender Dragon. But maybe we will see a Ender Castle in further updates.
minecraft is a real game and Z is a fake game and you can get hacked on Z so your xbox cant read the games
No. Bigfoot is not real in Minecraft (and i haven't even seen him in Minecraft either)
it is a real castle, it's called pierre fonds and it is in france
You have to get an account on the real minecraft website.
Retard, there is no hogwarts in minecraft. get out of harry potter and into iron ingots and diamond mines.
You could build it or use Tale of Kingdoms or Castle Defenders mod
Plan 1: Hack his account by Cheat Engine or WEP. Plan 2:Hack his email.
His real name is............................................................. Keith- lee castle.
Yes, there are pigs in Minecraft.
You have to get an account on the real minecraft website.