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i think it is false

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Q: Was Land was more plentiful in England than in the colonies?
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Was land more plentiful in england than in the colonies-?

No, in England fewer then 5% of people owned land. In the colonies fertile land gave the colonist a chance to prosper.

What made it easier to farm in the Middle Colonies than the New England Colonies?

Because more land could be farmed

Why did England want to put colonies in the new world?

Because the more land you owned the more powerful you were!!!

Was farming in the middle colonies a better economic choice than farming in New England?

There was more land and fertile soil in the Middle colonies than there was in the New England

Why the thirteen colonies were settled?

The King of England at the time heard of America from others, and wanted more land so he set up the 13 colonies.

Why did England setup colonies?

the england setup becauses they were no more people in the england colonies

What helped great Britain get more land from French colonies?

England gained land from the French thorough their victory in the French and Indian War. The French were pushed out of their Canadian colonies as a result of this war.

What was the difference between middle colonies and new England?

The thirteen colonies were split into three different regions New England, middle, and southern. The difference between the New England and middle colonies was the way the land was divided up as well as the fact that the middle colonies produced many of the early crops for the first thirteen colonies.

Why was life more comfortable in the middle colonies than in New England?

The middle colonies had milder temperatures than the northern colonies. Also, the land was suitable for growing many more crops. The land in the northern colonies was hard and rocky, but the land in the middle colonies was less rocky and the soil was more fertile.

How did new England's resources help its commerce?

New England Colonies/ NY, NJ, PA, and Delaware were usually fishing villages or farming communities along the more fertile land along the rivers. While the rocky soil in the New England Colonies was not as fertile as the Middle or Southern Colonies, the land provided rich resources including timber that was valued for building of homes and ships.

Why did England favor founding the Englished colonies in the Americas?

I think he thought colonies would be very smart

What events in Boston led the colonists In the colonies?

This was a result of the Puritans choosing to leave England in favor of a land more tolerant of religious views.