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Its possible but its just to far in the past to find any hard evidence to support or deny it. Its true the ice age would have covered Scotland at some point but this does not mean Tyrols decendants could not have headed south as the UK would have been connected to Europe then returned. The Scots are no stranger to travel but have a distinct homing beacon which is why even 2nd generation migrated Scots have a strong desire to visit their ancestrol home. Interestingly Battlestar used many Celtic sounding instruments which probobly included the Bagpipes, there is an old traditional Scottish song often sung by the clan Mcleod:

The Green Hills Of TyrolThere was a soldier, a Scottish soldier,

Who wandered far away and soldiered far away,

There was none bolder, with good broad shoulders,

He fought in many a fray and fought and won.

He's seen the glory, he's told the story,

Of battles glorious and deeds victorious.

But now he's sighing, his heart is crying,

To leave these green hills of Tyrol.


Because these green hills are not Highland hills

Or the Island's hills, they're not my land's hills,

As fair as these green foreign hills may be

They are not the hills of home.

This seems to fit rather well into who Galen was.

So making the leap that Tyrol was the first king of Scotland it is long understood that the first Kings of Scotland resided in Forteviotat which is near Perth. Moore explained that the having Galen exile there was a tip of the hat to the Engineering firsts that the Scots have achevied in our civilization, although not all peaceful. The British were the fathers of the aircraft carrier that a Battlestar is reflective of just more advanced. A tie in to the upcoming Caprica series could be the construction of the Galactica that may be built in megablocks at the different colonies and brought together to form the ship. This is the technique being used by the Brits to construct their new aircraft carriers at Edinburgh that is next to Forteviotat.

however this would indicte that the arming and destruction cycle is happening again in parallel to the AI evolution on this planet as shown at the end of Daybreak.

So to sum up its possible Galen was the first King of Scotland and there is some evidence to suggest this however it does take an act of faith to believe and if you do then the seeds are sown. All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.

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Q: Was Galen Tyrol the first king of Scotland?
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