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William Wallace was never King of Scotland. At the time of Wallace's death in 1305 Scotland had no King. Robert the Bruce became King of Scotland in 1306.

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Q: Who was the king of Scotland after the death of William Wallace?
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What day month and year did William Wallace die?

He was never the king he fought to be but never was. William Wallace was not the King of Scotland, he was made Guardian of Scotland. He did NOT fight to be King.

How did William Wallace get to the throne?

William Wallace was never a king.

Which king chose Edward I for Scotland?

Edward I was not King of Scotland. He was King of England. You may be getting your words mixed up. Edward chose John Balliol as King of Scotland so he could control him. He was a puppet King but rebelled and was imprisoned in France. William Wallace continued the rebellion in his name.

Who was William Wallace declared an outlaw by?

Edward I (Longshanks) of England. He was only an outlaw as far as the English king was concerned. Not an outlaw in Scotland.

Which king led Scotland to victory over England?

Robert the Bruce was one of the most noted but there have been many such as: William Wallace

What was William Wallace's childhood years like?

There is not much know about Sir William Wallace as a child. I am doing a speech for history on him and I could find nothing about his childhood and infantry. He was a bit of a trouble maker though. Up until he was about 12 he was robbing small markets of food and jewels. From the ages of 16-20 he was constantly hunting animals.

In medieval 2 total war kingdoms expansion what are the heroes from the britannia campaign?

For Scotland its William Wallace and For Wales it is their starting king the others i dont know.

Why did William Wallace's body parts go to those places?

King Edward sent his body to the different parts of Scotland to tell the Scot's not to mess with the english.

Who are Wallace and Bruce?

William Wallace and Robert the Bruce were leaders of the Scots in the Wars of Scottish Independence. They were both very successful in this and are regarded as national Scottish heroes. William Wallace was a knight and a land owner who rose to the position of Guardian of Scotland. He was captured and handed over to the English King Edward I, who had him hanged, drawn and quartered, in 1305. Robert the Bruce was the King of Scotland from 1306 to 1329. He defeated the English army at the Battle of Bannockburn, ensuring Scottish Independence. There are links below.

Who was the real Braveheart?

The term 'Braveheart' actually refers to King Robert the Bruce of Scotland who requested that upon his death his heart be removed and buried in the Holy Land of course Hollywood got it wrong as usual they attributed the term to Sir William Wallace instead!

When did King Edward kill William Wallace?

Edward killed William Wallace at the battle of Stirling Bridge. Edward then cut of Wallace's head and stuck it on a spike

Did WIlliam Wallace get married?

William Wallace never became king, he was captured, tortured and killed by the English - perhaps you have him confused with Robert the Bruce?