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Like many things in World War II, the answer to this question is entirely unclear. While it is said that D-Day opened a second front, it actually opened a third front. At the time of D-Day, Germany was faced with battle in the East against Russia, the south against the UK in the Italian peninsula, and now the west against a coalition of Allied forces. It is unclear how the Allies in Italy would have fared without D-Day, but more important is the Eastern front. Before D-Day, the Germans were being pushed back finally by Russian forces. Few, in fact, believed that Germany would have eventually prevailed. During World War II, however, Russia has sustained what is believed to be over 50 million dead. How many more dead could their economy absorb before simply collapsing due to lack of labor? If D-Day had not happened, it would have significantly delayed the end of the war, perhaps causing it to last for years longer. While there is no evidence that the Russian war machine was slowing, it is not completely unlikely that they would soon find themselves in a terrible situation. Many are keen to argue that Russia would have lost or Russia would have won anyway, but is entirely meaningless. History is built by events that did actually transpire, rather than silly hypotheticals. Regardless of whether they would have won or lost, though, it is very fortunate that D-Day did happen. The American intervention meant that the Russians were unable to conquer the entire continent as they were entirely capable and willing to do. Instead, Allied and Russian forces met each other in Germany, and that became the borders of the Iron Curtain to last until the early 1990's.

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20y ago
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11y ago

It was the first successful invasion on Nazi occupied France and broke Germany's 'fortress europa' allowing the Allies to advance slowly closer to Berlin and as they were getting closer to Berlin they were freeing France from German control at the same time.

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9y ago

Yes, I believe it was the key. At that time the Luftwaffe had been decisively beaten and gave little air support for their armies fighting against the Allies on the 'Western front'. The German armies on the French coast, while large in number, were mainly second rate units. The allies desperately needed large ports to land huge numbers of men and supplies. Landing a large invasion force on the beaches was the only sensible way to gain those large ports.

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12y ago

No. It was the start of taking back Europe from Hitler. The Allies had a long way to go before they stopped Hitler in Berlin. They had to fight all across France, Spain, Greece, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Russia and other countries to regain the territory. It was another 3 years before they were close to victory.

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12y ago

when Hitler attacked three Russian cities and said he would not give them winter uniforms until they took over the three major cities

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12y ago

It created another front that Germany must defend against and weaken the lines of the already thinning defenses.

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10y ago

Because for the first time his armies in France faced other real armies, not civilians.

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11y ago

Yes, D-Day was a major factor in the Allies winning WW2.

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Q: Was D-Day a final push towards victory of World War 2?
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What was the US accomplishments on DDay?

They landed on Normandy beach.. and were pressing inwards into Europe to take down the Nazi regime

Describe the importance of the airpower during World War 2 in the pacific?

Very important. The Pacific theater was made of small islands held by the Japanese. They were dug in, so it meant that the troops had to land on each island and fight ( just like DDay landings, but many more than one). Support from the air was important in taking the islands because they would bomb the islands first. The Japanese air force also had planes that would bomb our ships so they worked at keeping them away from the ships and to fight them in the air. Watch the series Victory at Sea and you will see real footage of the war in the Pacific.

149th engineer combat battalion?

My father was in the 149th combat engineer battalion. They landed on DDay on Omaha Beach. Their boat hit a mine coming in and several men were injured or killed. My father was injured, but able to go on.

What was the importance of dday?

D-Day was designed to be the last push on germany. D Day was the first step in taking the war back to Hitlers Europe. At that time the Russians were pressing in the East and were taking most of the casualties in the war. Italy had been invaded by the Allies but a new front was required. Dday was the day on which (at that time) the greatest sea armada ever known was lauched against the Normandy coast. The invasion area was set into five beaches. Despite what Hollywood says it was not a solely US affair. The Americans had two of the areas, the British had two and the Canadians had one.

What day did dday happen on?

on the 6/6/1944 the greatest beach landing in the history of warfare occured on a few beaches like ''gold'' and ''sword''. but the biggest kill zone was in ohama beach. 3 hours of blood lust, more than 5,000 deaths for 200m of ground.

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What was D-Day about?

dday what a final attack of the axis powers on the allies no mate... dday was he day that the retard from America predicted the end of the world on 21st may 2011.. and failed. haha to all the believers.. if it was me saying we were gona die tomorrow.. you wouldn't believe me would you. but yeah dday is now 21st october 2011... which ain't gona happen either. so yeahh that's all there is. hope this helps :)

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For Skirmish Dday you have to call. I assume it is the same for Oklahoma and other big dday games also.

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What are some battles during world war 2 including Normandy and d-day?

Stalingrad in soviet union Normandy/dday in France midway and iwojima in japan

What was d-day and why does it play such a part in the allies fate?

D DAY was the day the allies went to recapture france the battle following Dieppe In World War 2 in comparisson to WW1 in a sense dieppe was like the battle of the sommes and dday was like the battle of vimy ridge. Dieppe was a failure and the lessons learned lead to the success of Dday. Dday played an important part in the allies fate because the allies recaptured france who had fell to russia only 6 weeks into war. this marked the last battle in europe in ww2.

How many people all together died in the battle on d-day?

About 3000 people died on Dday.

What was dday and where?

D-Day was the Allied invasion of German occupied France, on the beaches of Normandy on 6 june,1944.

What brought an end to WW2?

dday caused Hitler to commit suicide, and Germany surrendered. soon after, the Americans defeated Japan, causing them to with draw,\. that day is called VJ Day (victory in japan)

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Daniel Day Boone. AKA DDay.