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Q: South America is the world leader in what type of power generation?
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South America produces more power using?

hydroelectric generation

What produces more power in South America than any other continents?

hydroelectric generation

South America produces more power using than any other continent.?

hydroelectric generation

What kind of power does South America use more than any other continent?

B. Hydroelectric generation

What kind of power to South America use more than any other continent?

B. Hydroelectric generation

South America produces more power using what than any other continent?

hydroelectric generation

Which countries have nuclear power plants?

Some countries with nuclear power plants include the United States, France, China, Russia, Japan, and South Korea. These countries rely on nuclear energy for electricity generation.

The leader of the confederacy believed that the union was a the south as its enemy?

foreign power, i believe.

Who is in political power in South Africa?

Jacob Zuma, leader of the African National Congress.

Will south Africa rely more on the non-conventional resource for the provision of power in the future?

yes South Africa will rely more on non-conventional energy for the provision of power in the future in order to protect and preserve the environment for the future generation

Where are the most nuclear power plant in north America located?

South Dakota

Why does much of south america have the potential to produce hydroelectric power?

South America have the potential to produce hydroelectric power even though South America does not have many large lakes because South America possess the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall which is the Angel Falls. Also with the aid of three other lakes-- Lake Titicaca, Lake Maracaibo and Lake Nicaragua.