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B. Hydroelectric generation

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

South America relies heavily on hydroelectric power as its primary source of energy. This is due to the region’s abundance of rivers and water resources that can be harnessed for electricity generation.

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Q: What kind of power does South America use more than any other continent?
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What continent ranks first in the production of hydroelectric power?

Asia ranks first in the production of hydroelectric power, with countries like China, India, and Russia leading in hydroelectric generation.

What are the three most important continents?

1. Asia, a continent with 3.9 billion people. Asia is a continent plagued with wars and has many third world countries. But in Asia you have rapidly developing counties, namely India. But it contains Japan, China and Oil rich gulf nations. Japan has been the worlds leader in consumer electronics for decades and has had influence all across the continent. But today, the real importance is China. The worlds most powerful country, has a population of 1.3 billion, averaging economic growth rate of 11% per year and is the world's leading exporter of goods and cheap goods made there has kept western costs of living low and has made western nations dependent on them. Asia is now probably the most important continent in the world becuase of the high potential it carries. With countries like India and China growing at incredible rates it is being benefical for countries to invest in their growth. Also with carrying more than half of the world's population, Asia is a significant factor for the labor force that is lacking in western countries especially in Europe. 2. Europe, a continent which has 800 million people. It dominated the world for hundreds of years and eventually destroyed it's own power with two world wars. However, in recent years Europe has regained status, with the world's most valued currency, serious world powers like Russia, Britain, Germany and France, it is by far the richest continent and as a continent has the most exports in the world. It is the political and power capital of the world. With all that being said Europe is starting to lose its hold in the world with financial crisis and horrible economies. Europe is starting to fail especially Greece which is struggling to stay alive and also Germany who are too focused on domestic interests. Europe is bringing down the world economy with it. With the Eurozone crisis worsening, the push for greater European integration has failed. With Europe falling into a crisis it is causing a lot of trouble for the world and many countries are trying hard to keep Europe alive becuase of the importance it has in the world. 3. North America, a continent with 530 million people. North America is known as a powerful continent for being the continent containing the United States of America. From after World War 2 right up until the mid 2000's were the uncontested power of the world (Outside USSR), they kept order over Western Europe, South America and Australia, waging wars in the middle east and creating loyal governments there. However, unwise spending and recession has led to their power dwindling in recent years, once pro-American nations such as Turkey, Brazil, Iran and Germany have fallen out with them their dependence on China has left other nations questioning their true power.

What is the most powerful continent?

It is subjective to determine the most powerful continent as power can be measured in various ways such as economy, military strength, influence, etc. However, North America is often considered one of the most powerful continents due to countries like the United States and Canada being major global players in terms of economy, technology, and military strength.

Is Europe the most power full continent?

Europe is a powerful continent but not the most powerful. The most powerful continent is often considered to be Asia due to its size, population, economic strength, and military capabilities. Europe remains influential in global politics and economics but does not hold the same level of power as Asia in certain aspects.

Why were British interested in the sub-continent?

The British were interested in the sub-continent primarily for economic reasons, such as accessing resources, markets, and trade routes. They also sought to expand their empire and project power in the region. Additionally, the strategic location of India served as a crucial link to other parts of the British Empire, making it a valuable acquisition.

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South America produces more power using than any other continent.?

hydroelectric generation

What kind of power to South America use more than any other continent?

B. Hydroelectric generation

South America produces more power using what than any other continent?

hydroelectric generation

What continent did Britain power major on?

At different times, Great Britain has been a major power on every continent except South America and Antarctica.

How is most of the electricity in South America generated?

through hydro electric power from the dozens of waterfalls scattered throughout the continent.

What produces more power in South America than any other continents?

hydroelectric generation

Why does much of south america have the potential to produce hydroelectric power?

South America have the potential to produce hydroelectric power even though South America does not have many large lakes because South America possess the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall which is the Angel Falls. Also with the aid of three other lakes-- Lake Titicaca, Lake Maracaibo and Lake Nicaragua.

What continent has the most nuclear power world wide?

North America

Why did Britain take over South America?

Great Britain held a territory of British Guiana in South America, but did not take over the continent. In fact, British Guiana was the second smallest territory in South America, after French Guiana. British Guiana was under British control from 1814-1966. The British took possession for reasons similar to any territory: resources, money, land, power, etc.

Where are the most nuclear power plant in north America located?

South Dakota

South America produces more power using?

hydroelectric generation

South America is the world leader in what type of power generation?
