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Look through your sources for information you can use

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Q: Once you've decided on a research question done some preliminary research online to put that question into context and gathered credible reliable sources of information from the library and elsewhe?
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Once you've decided on a research question done some preliminary research online to put that question into context and gathered credible reliable sources of information from the library and elsewh?

Look through your sources for information you can use.

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"Less credible" means not being as reliable or trustworthy in terms of information, evidence, or sources compared to something else. It suggests that there may be doubts or skepticism about the accuracy or truthfulness of the information or source in question.

What is a credible source of information about the exsperinces of american citizens on the home front during World War 2?

In order for me to answer your question I would need to know what was listed as sources of information to let you know which sources were the credible sources. You can resubmit your question with the sources. Thanks for using answers com and wikianswers com.

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The Answers community requires more information for this question. Please edit your question to include more context.

How is information gathered from outer space used?

This is a very generic question, What do you mean by "information" Humans obtain many different forms of information from outer space, information regarding physics? or do you mean information from satelines?

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not sure good question

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A conclusion paragraph is a summary of gathered researched information obtained in response/reply to either a set question or questions of an academic essay.

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Please edit your question and give a little more information. I cannot understand it well enough to give a credible answer.

What are conclusion paragraphs?

A conclusion paragraph is a summary of gathered researched information obtained in response/reply to either a set question or questions of an academic essay.

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Only use the information that adds up to a logical hypothesis.

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