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Q: Can you be held liable if was driving your friends car when it was towed?
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Can you be held liable for your daughter's accident if she was driving your divorced spouse's uninsured car?

As long as your daughter is under 18 or 22 in som cases you can be held liable for any of her actions

Is it true that your parents can still be held liable for you driving if they pay your health insurance?

No, it shouldn't be true.

If a 15 year old unlicensed minor learning to drive with an uninsured adult has an accident who is liable the parents of the minor or the uninsured driving instructor?

The owner of the vehicle is usually held liable.

What happens after a car accident and hospital finds cocaine and marijuana in your system?

You could be held liable for the accident since you were driving intoxicated.

As a notary you may be held liable if not adhering to the Wot policy - Correct?

Yes, I may be held liable for my actions

A running car is stolen and a crime committed with it are you held liable?

you can be held liable if you do not report it before the crime takes place however a investigation will take place before you are charged and if you are innocent you wont be held liable.

Can you be held liable if you have a permit and was in the vehicle with a licensed driver and got into an accident in NY?

Who else do you think should be held liable?

Can executor be and be held liable for theft of estate in KY?

Yes, they can be held liable for theft. It is a breach of fiduciary duty and is a crime.

Can a company be held liable for an accident if they didn't keep up with their lot.?

Yes, they could be held liable, but only if the negligence is contributable to a loss

Can an executor be held personally liable for the estate tax?

can the executor be liable for estate tax

If you hit an object on the freeway and caused damage to a friend's car can you be held liable for the damage or deductible in CA?

More than likely, yes. The car was the responsibility of the person driving it at the time of damage, regardless of the circumstances. You are NOT liable for any part of the damage (including deductible) as long as you are driving with your friend's permission. No, you are not responsible for the damage.

If your son had an parking lot accident while driving your car without insurance are you liable?

More than likely you both can be held liable. Since you both were aware the car was uninsured. Depending on the laws of your state you may end up with fines and penalties also. It also depends whether your son was driving the car with your permission and whether your son is a minor. (Yeses make you more liable, noes less so.)