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Probably the Desire out of Salem Massachusetts.

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Q: Name of the first slave ship built in America?
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Name of the first slave ship built in the English colonies?

it was the brtish sughuting

What was the name of the first iron steamship built in America?

The Bangor

Name of the first slave ship to America?

The first slave ship to arrive in America was the San Juan Bautista in 1526, carrying enslaved Africans to the Spanish colony of San Miguel de Guadalupe in present-day South Carolina.

What is the name of the route that brought slaves to America?

The Slave Triangle

What is the name of the last slave ship to arrive in America?


What was the name given to the forced migration of Africans to America?

The first forced migration was referred to as the Transatlantic Slave trade. This included Africans enslaved in Africa and sold to slave traders. Once in America, a second forced migration (internal slave trade) moved them from the Atlantic ports to the American south. A third migration was voluntary, where Africans migrated to the the northern states of America.

What were the names of the slaves?

the first slave was black and his first name was john

Can you name the meanest slave owner recorded?

there isn't anyone because the name of the first slave isn't even posted on the internet

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The step pyramid was the first type of pyramid to be built.

What was the name of Central America's US-built canal?

The Panama Canal.

What was the name of the stadium in 1995 in Charlotte NC the Panthers played?

When the stadium was first built, it was named Ericsson Stadium. Several years ago, the name was changed to Bank of America Stadium.

What was the name of the slave who founded the first baptist church in the Bahamas?
