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Q: Is it illegal to own red car in Shanghai?
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Why illegal to own red car Shanghai?

Because it is not true. Sometimes you should find the answer youself. I was in Shanghai so I know it is not true. JUST GOOGLE "Shanghai traffic",you will find the truth.

What car color is prohibited in shanghai china?


why it is illeagle to own red car in shangai?

Some people say it is illegal while other people say it's not

Is it legal to put neon light under your car?

It is NOT illegal to have neon under your car, but it is illegal to drive with it on. ** the above answer is false! Is is NOT illegal to have them on your car or drive with them on. I own a business and sell LED GLOW. It is illegal to STROBE with them on. They will also pull you over if you have red, blue or white lights. But LED GLOW makes many many other colors that you can switch to and drive with them on.

What are the ratings and certificates for Shanghai Red - 2006?

Shanghai Red - 2006 is rated/received certificates of: Singapore:PG Singapore:NC-16 (DVD rating)

Are red or blue motorcycle LED lights illegal in Washington State?

red hite and blue are illegal to have on when riding/driving on all vehicle. because they represent the colors of POLICE CAR.

Who is at fault if car 1 runs a red light on a one way street and car 2 makes an illegal turn and hits car 1?

its both of the drivers fault because their both doing some thing illegal

Are LED lights illegal to have on your car in Minnesota under your car on the grill or the bike tire valve caps that give off light?

Certain colors are.. Blue I believe is illegal and so is red. Not positive.

Where is the setting in red scarf girl?

it is in Shanghai China

Can you get in trouble for having red and blue lights on your car?

You can only have red lights on the rear of your car. And blue lights are illegal to use on any car on the street they are only for emergency vehicles blue lights are for police only

What city in china does red scarf girl take place in?

"Red Scarf Girl" takes place in Shanghai, China, during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s.

What car does jay-z own?

Fiat 500 convertable with a red roof