Is last name Channe or Channey a jatt last name?
no, you are rajput. no, you are rajput.
it is kamboh last name
yes mehat r jatt sikh ..and they live in mehtan near phagwara
Yes dear Bariana is the jatt last name . Most of them are from Hoshiarpur 8).
Is last name Channe or Channey a jatt last name?
Yes. Duhra is a Jatt last name.
no, you are rajput. no, you are rajput.
No, "Lilla" is not a common Jatt last name. Jatt last names are typically associated with specific regions or clans in Punjab, India. "Lilla" does not fall into that category.
Yes Sudan is a jatt last name.
its JATT, my last name is DYAL!
Yes, "Birk" can be a Jatt last name. Jatt is a common Punjabi caste in India and Pakistan, and "Birk" can be found as a surname among Jatt families.
Yes, the last Mandaher is jatt.
No Julka is not Jatt. They are Khatri sikh.
In the context of Punjabi culture, "Mahal" can indeed be a Jatt last name. The Jatt community is a prominent agricultural caste in the Punjab region of South Asia, and "Mahal" is a surname that is commonly associated with this community. However, it is important to note that surnames can vary widely among individuals and families within the Jatt community, so not all individuals with the last name "Mahal" may necessarily identify as Jatt.
it is kamboh last name
yes mehat r jatt sikh ..and they live in mehtan near phagwara