Yes dear Bariana is the jatt last name . Most of them are from Hoshiarpur 8).
Is last name Channe or Channey a jatt last name?
no, you are rajput. no, you are rajput.
yes..............mahal is a jatt surname........
it is kamboh last name
yes mehat r jatt sikh ..and they live in mehtan near phagwara
Is last name Channe or Channey a jatt last name?
Yes. Duhra is a Jatt last name.
no, you are rajput. no, you are rajput.
No, "Lilla" is not a common Jatt last name. Jatt last names are typically associated with specific regions or clans in Punjab, India. "Lilla" does not fall into that category.
Yes Sudan is a jatt last name.
its JATT, my last name is DYAL!
Yes, "Birk" can be a Jatt last name. Jatt is a common Punjabi caste in India and Pakistan, and "Birk" can be found as a surname among Jatt families.
Yes, the last Mandaher is jatt.
No Julka is not Jatt. They are Khatri sikh.
yes..............mahal is a jatt surname........
it is kamboh last name
yes mehat r jatt sikh ..and they live in mehtan near phagwara