Your ancestors can be Jewish if they were Jewish. Whether the surname of your mother seems to be associated with Jews or not does not change that.
It was Susan Mosee. Annie Oakley's mother's maiden name was Wise.
Gretchen Ludwig was her mothers maiden name
In Jewish law you are Jewish if your mother is Jewish. So long as you know that your mother and her mother (and her mother, etc.) isn't Jewish then you are not Jewish. There is no magical (or medical or any scientific way) to know if you're Jewish.
No his mother was a German. NOT JEWISH.
Any surname can be a mother's maiden name. A maiden name is merely the surname a woman uses (typically her father's, given to her at birth) before she marries and takes her husband's surname if she chooses to do so.
No, Will Ferrell is not Jewish
No. Her maiden name was Margaret "Peggy" McGrath. Does that sound Jewish to you?
Her first name is Jewish but her surname is Scottish & her husbands surname is not McCall, so her mother or father must have been Scottish by blood & that's Christian. Her mother's maiden name was Koch, which is a Jewish name. So yes, Davina McCall is Jewish.
The cast of Mother Maiden - 2011 includes: Sharon den Adel Dawn Mastin as Mother Maiden
Jackie Gleason's Irish ancestors were from both sides of the family. His mother was from Cork, Ireland, and her maiden name was Kelly. His paternal grandfather was also of Irish descent - last name being Gleason.
The Roosevelt name is Dutch. His mother's maiden name, Delano, was of French Huguenot origin. He also had traces of Swedish and English ancestry.
George Clooney's mother's maiden name is Warren.
Shirley Caesar's mother's maiden name is Hall.
your mother, hence maiden.
Your mother's maiden name is her last name (surname) before she married.
It was Susan Mosee. Annie Oakley's mother's maiden name was Wise.
Tanya Tucker's mother's maiden name is Juanita Tucker.