Any surname can be a mother's maiden name. A maiden name is merely the surname a woman uses (typically her father's, given to her at birth) before she marries and takes her husband's surname if she chooses to do so.
It was Susan Mosee. Annie Oakley's mother's maiden name was Wise.
Gretchen Ludwig was her mothers maiden name
It's the name she had before she was married. In most cases, your mother's maiden name will be the same as the last name of your maternal grandfather (your mother's father).
Traditionally in the English-speaking world, a child uses the family name of the father. Also traditionally, when a woman marries, she takes the family name of her husband. At that point the family name she used to use, the family name of her father, is called her "maiden name" because it was her name when she was a maiden. Your mother's maiden name is usually the surname (or family name) of your maternal grandfather.
Rosa Louise McCauleyRosa Louise McCauley
If "AB" was her last name before she married, then "AB" is her maiden name.
George Clooney's mother's maiden name is Warren.
Shirley Caesar's mother's maiden name is Hall.
Your mother's maiden name is her last name (surname) before she married.
It was Susan Mosee. Annie Oakley's mother's maiden name was Wise.
Tanya Tucker's mother's maiden name is Juanita Tucker.
There is no such thing as a "maiden first name." A woman's maiden name is the surname she used before she married and took her husband's surname.
your mother, hence maiden.
Jesse James mother's maiden name was not Nauman. She was born Zerelda Elizabeth Cole, so her maiden name was Cole.
Bernai was her mother's maiden name.
Neil Armstrong's mother's maiden name was Viola Louise Engel.
Gretchen Ludwig was her mothers maiden name