Yes, the Indian village girls wear panties under the saree. The saree is an Indian tradition wear that is worn by both the men and women.
No- Men don't wear saree in the name of tradition, only women wear sarees.
boy wear cotton suit and girls either saree or suit in light colors like white,off white, baby pink.
From four to nine yards long (average is six yards), and about 42" wide. Here is a link with more information:
India, the sub-continent, is indubitably a great country of miscellaneous cultures, traditions, religions, castes and geographical characteristics. However, India is even known for its sobriquet 'male-chauvinistic nation '. It 's 'Bharath Maatha ' who is inturn a woman that serves as the mother of every Indian. While such a woman looks after every Indian child, women in general are simply being disregarded at the dominant men 's best. Men ought not to forget the fact that 'men ' are in 'WOmen '. Women are no less than men in India in any sector. Women are not what they really were. Some decades ago, women were limited to the kitchen. Today, Indian women have made their presence felt virtually in every field. Women have ultimately come out of their 'saree ' image and entrap the nation by dint of their hardwork and power. Women Empowerment is infact the ability of women to exercise full control over one's actions. Empowerment of women in India is conspicuous by many live examples.
Orang India memiliki beragam jenis pakaian tradisional yang sangat khas dan berbeda-beda di setiap wilayahnya. Beberapa jenis pakaian tradisional yang umum di India antara lain: Orang India memiliki beragam jenis pakaian tradisional yang sangat khas dan berbeda-beda di setiap wilayahnya. Beberapa jenis pakaian tradisional yang umum di India antara lain: 1. Sari: Sari adalah pakaian tradisional yang paling terkenal di India. Ini adalah sepotong kain panjang yang dililitkan di sekitar tubuh dan diikat di bahu. Sari biasanya dipakai oleh wanita dan memiliki berbagai desain, warna, dan kain yang berbeda. 2. Kurta: Kurta adalah pakaian atasan longgar yang biasanya dipakai oleh pria dan wanita di India. Kurta umumnya berpotongan longgar dan nyaman, terbuat dari kain seperti katun atau sutra, dan sering dipadukan dengan celana panjang atau rok. 3. Salwar Kameez: Salwar kameez adalah pakaian yang terdiri dari celana panjang (salwar), atasan (kameez), dan dupatta (selendang). Pakaian ini biasanya dipakai oleh wanita di India, terutama di bagian utara. 4. Lehenga Choli: Lehenga choli adalah pakaian tradisional yang biasanya dipakai oleh wanita di acara pernikahan atau festival. Lehenga adalah rok panjang dan lebar, sedangkan choli adalah atasan yang dipadukan dengan lehenga. Pakaian ini biasanya dihiasi dengan bordir, batu permata, atau karya seni yang indah. 5. Dhoti: Dhoti adalah pakaian tradisional yang dipakai oleh pria di India. Ini adalah sepotong kain panjang yang dililitkan di sekitar pinggang dan diikat di antara kaki. Dhoti biasanya dipakai pada acara-acara religius atau perayaan tertentu. Itulah beberapa contoh pakaian tradisional yang umum dipakai oleh orang India. Namun, penting untuk diingat bahwa pilihan pakaian seseorang dapat bervariasi tergantung pada kesempatan, wilayah, dan preferensi pribadi.
During the 17th and 18th centuries, India exported vast quantities of textiles throughout the world. The influence of India's textile export may be judged by the number of textile terms in use today which have Indian origins: chintz, calico, dungaree, gingham, khaki, madras, pyjama, sash, seersucker, and shawl are just a few..By far the most prized of Indian fabrics during this time period was Chintz, a cotton fabric usually having a large-scale, floral pattern applied by mordants (a resist dyeing method). For the finest chintz, the design was actually painted on the fabric, not printed. The colors were fast (they didn't fade or wash out). Chintz was used for both apparel fabrics and home furnishing fabrics (drapes & bedspreads) (Irwin and Brett, 1970). Kashmir ShawlsIn the mid-18th century a new accessory was introduced to the fashionable European woman's wardrobe which remained fashionable for almost a century. This was a shawl produced in Kashmir which is located in the northern part of India bordering the Himalayan Mountains. The shawls were originally brought to England by the East India Company, as well as by travelers bringing home gifts.The finest shawls were woven from the very fine and soft hair of a Kashmir mountain goat. (This is the fiber we know today as Cashmere.) The Kashmir shawls were handwoven entirely by men. One or two men would work 2-3 years to produce one shawl. Thismade the shawls very expensive (A Kashmir shawl at that time cost the equivalent of a mink coat today.). However, they were in such great demand that European manufacturers quickly began efforts to try to imitate them. A good source of shawl images and info is Victoriana.Kashmir and paisley shawls can be identified by the use of a certain design motif which in India is called the boteh.After European textile manufacturers began imitating the shawls, the motif began to be called a paisley, after Paisley, Scotland, one of the largest producers of imitation Kashmir shawls (Reilly, 1987).BanyansThe phenomenon of the banyan, a gentleman's loose, long jacket or gown in the 1800's, illustrates combined Japanese and Indian influences. Trade with Japan was open from 1543 to 1640, and then closed until 1854. During the time that Japan was closed to trade, Japanese kimono made their way to Europe via Dutch traders who were the only ones to have access Japanese ports. Because of the rarity of kimono in the western world, it became a valued commodity. Demand quickly exceeded supply. The scarcity of the kimono enhanced its popularity and led the Dutch to manufacture banyans in India where they were highly involved in textile trade and export.The banyan was a loose, full kimono style in the early 18th century, but later evolved into a more fitted style with set-in sleeves, similar to a man's coat. It was known as an Indian gown, nightgown, morning gown, or dressing gown. First used as a type of robe, it was originally worn for leisure and in at-home situations; but came to be worn as a coat out-of-doors, in the street, or for business. Many gentlemen had their portraits made while wearing banyans. They were made from all types of fabrics in cotton, silk, or wool (Cunningham, 1984).For gentlemen, this was a long robe or gown which replaced the tight coat and waistcoat (vest) worn in public. Trade with Japan and India affected the demand for gowns made in the kimono style. The Dutch East India Company was the only trade group to have access to Japan durign this time period. The demand for these garments became so great that the Dutch eventually began manufacturing them in India through their locations there. The Indian Saree (a.k.a. Sari, Seere, Sadi) boasts of oldest existence in the sartorial world. It is more than 5000 years old! It is mentioned in Vedas, the oldest existing (surviving) literature (3000 B.C.) Patterns of dress change throughout the world now and then but, the Sari has survived because it is the main wear of rural India. 75% of the population (now a billion as per official estimate) wear versatile sari. We can certainly call this cloth versatile because it could be worn as shorts, trousers, flowing gown-like or convenient skirt-wise--all without a single stitch!Saree (original--Chira in Sanskrit, cloth) is of varied length. From 5 yards to 9.5 yards tied loosely, folded and pleated, it could be turned into working dress or party-wear with manual skill. For day today dress of middle class women, 5-6 yard sari is comfortable to manage household chores. Working class tucks the same length above the ankles and if they have to work in water or fields, they would tuck the front pleats between the legs to the back, and tie the upper portion round the waist. This left them free movement of hands and legs.
Well, honey, some girls choose not to wear panties under a saree because it's more comfortable for them. Plus, it can help avoid visible panty lines and give a smoother silhouette. But hey, to each their own - as long as they're comfortable and confident, who cares?
A few girls now a days wear a saree. onle in occasions they used to wear a saree. many reasons are there for this most of them are convenience, cost, lack of timing. And also now a days girls think that the look good in western dresses than the saree. But according to my point of view girls look gorgeous in saree than western dress. more about to know saree you can go for it.
An organza saree is a traditional Indian garment made from organza fabric, which is a lightweight, sheer, and crisp material.
The latest saree drapping styles. bengali style saree. Gujarati style saree. Marathi style saree. Deepika drap style. More about to sarees you can prefer this.
The terms saree naval means that any Indian women who wear their saree below their naval. This has been brought up as a bad taste in character to do so.
i dont no please dont asks me no more because thats just wrong get out my face with that i got swag
When the term Designer comes, it simply means concept type of sarees instead of fabric.Half and half sareesPrinted sareesEmbroidered sareesDraped sareesSaree gownsPre-pleated sareesLehenga sareesExclusive designer sarees.
Yes Saree is the type of indian dress. It comes in traditional and ethnic wear dress. It is always favorite for indian women. There are many type of saree like silk saree, cotton saree, georgette saree and many more. Indian women specially wear the silk saree in festival.
Buy Indian saree Fiji at Green Fashion. We have the finest silk and cotton Online saree fiji. You can order the finest silk sarees .... Buy online saree Fiji now
Saree is a popular dress worn by women. But it is not limited only to Hindus. Many Indian women wear irrespective of their faith, religion, or sect.
Saree is the traditional garment worn by Indian women for daily and formal events. It is commonly made of cotton, but the Sarees for formal events are made of silk.
Yes Saree is the type of indian dress. It comes in traditional and ethnic wear dress. It is always favorite for indian women. There are many type of saree like silk saree, cotton saree, georgette saree and many more. Indian women specially wear the silk saree in festival.