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w.e.b. dubois wanted to make us demand our rights but Booker t. Washington wanted us to start with jobs because every time we asked for rights we were automaticly lynched

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Q: Compare Booker t Washington and web dubois of how to stop segragation?
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Did Martin Luther King Jr believe in Booker T Washington or WEB DuBois?

W.E.B. DuBois

What did Dubois and Booker t Washington agree on?

They agreed that segregation was wrong. (apex)

How did w. e. b. dubois to Booker t Washington Atlantic compromise?

he said that Washington was wrong

Why do you think that Booker T Washington and WEB Dubois had differing opinions on how to survive in the South?

Well Booker T. Washington had grown up as a servent while WED Dubois had grown up as a scholar. I think it had to do with where they lived and how they were raised.

How did web DuBois react to Booker t Washington Atlantic Compromise?

he said that Washington was wrong

How did Booker T Washington and WEB DuBois influence Martin Luther King Jr?

Martin Luther King Jr. was influenced by Booker T. Washington's autobiography titled Up From Slavery. He was influenced by W.E.B. DuBois because his father was involved with the NAACP which DuBois helped to start.

How did W. E. B. DuBois react to Booker T. Washington's Atlantic Compromise?

he said that Washington was wrong

What did web dubois do that was so important?

He Rehected segragation..

Why did Web Du bois oppose ideas of Booker t Washington?

W.E.B. Dubois opposed the ideas of Booker T. Washington because he thought Washington accepted segregation while promoting economic advancement. Dubois felt that discrimination should be tackled head on with direct confrontation.

How did web dubois disagree with Booker t Washington?

Dubois believed that African Americans should not accept segregation

What would be WEB DuBois's criticism of Washington's quote?

WEB Dubois and Booker T. Washington were both major leaders in the Civil Rights Movement. If WEB Dubois were to criticize Washington it may be that he felt that Washington was too narrow minded and holding back the blacks in America.