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Well Booker T. Washington had grown up as a servent while WED Dubois had grown up as a scholar. I think it had to do with where they lived and how they were raised.

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Q: Why do you think that Booker T Washington and WEB Dubois had differing opinions on how to survive in the South?
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The conflict between Booker t Washington and W. E . B Du bois showed that African Americans?

Had differing opinions on how to achieve equality ;) apex

The conflict between Booker t Washington and web du bois showed that African Americans?

Had differing opinions on how to achieve equality

The conflict Booker T Washington and W.E.B Du bois showed that African Americans?

Had differing opinions on how to achieve equality

The conflict between Booker t Washington and web Dubois showed that African Americans what?

Had differing opinions on how to achieve equality ;) apex

the conflict between booker t Washington and W.E.B du Bois showed African Americans apex?

Had differing opinions on how to achieve equality-apex

Why do you think Booker T Washington and WEB Dubois had different opinions on how to survive in the South?

They had different opinions because of where they grew up. Washington grew up as a slave so he knew demanding equality was pointless because it would not work. He has the rational idea. DuBois grew up free in the north and was blinded by the resluts of demanding what was right.

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It was Booker T. Washington

What type of poem is Booker T and WEB?

"Booker T and WEB" is a narrative poem, as it tells a story about the differing philosophies of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois in handling racial inequality in the United States. It conveys their beliefs and struggles through poetic language.

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Booker Taliaferro Washington

What is Booker T Washington's birth name?

Booker Taliaferro Washington

Is Booker T Washington single?

No, Booker T Washington is not single.

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Booker Taliafero Washington