My mother sang a song which went as follows: Let's bury the hatchet. Let's bury the hatchet. Let's bury the hatchet in the Kaiser's head. We'll crown him on the noodle, make him whistle Yankee Doodle, down with the.... That's all I can remember and I have been trying to find the song and can't.
The song was used in a documentary called "World War 1 American Legacy".
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Yes, like slavery, American songs were affected in such a way that possible subjects could directly involve the war like protest songs or maybe soldiers returning from the war singing about the hardships of the time.
The songs usually dealt with LOVE. The were also songs about Crusades, dance, and spinning songs, but the main topic was love.
The songs were connected to life and daily functions.
The band has stated that songs off their new album, A Thousand Suns has themes of fear of apocalypse. However, they have also made it a policy to not tell their fans the meaning of their songs, an that it is up to them to interpret it's meaning.
42 songs Hitler recorded.
While deceased a good many years- best known representative was kaiser Wilhelm II- better known in the US as ( Kaiser Bill) they even had songs making fun of him during World War I.
From the three albums, 36.
Songs for a New World was created in 1995.
its MY WORLD! part 1 has 8 songs and part 2 has like about 10 songs..maybe 12
60% Of All Songs Made Today Are Love Songs : D
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World Wide Rebel Songs was created on -20-06-05.
There is no single answer for this question. ABBA had many songs that millions around the world loved.
The Most Beautiful Christmas Songs of the World was created in 1992-11.
You can add your own custom songs to Guitar Hero World Tour. You cannot create custom songs through the game however.
Christofer drew is single, but he is still writing songs about his ex-girlfriend Kristin Krewson. Taylor Macfee, has stated he is in a relationship. Hayden kaiser i believe is single.