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1809 - James Madison becomes US President

1812 - war of 1812 includes british and US

1814 - the british set white house on fire

1815 - Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

1816 - James Monroe is elected US President

1820 - Missouri Compromise balances # of free and slave US states

1821 - Peru and Mexico gain independence from Spain

1823 - Monroe doctrine issued

1824 - John Quincy Adams is elected US President

1825 - Erie Canal Completed / First public railroad operates in England

1828 - Andrew Jackson is elected US President

1831 - Nat Turner leads slave rebellion

1833 - Slavery is abolished by the British empire

1836 - Martin Van Buren is elected US President

1837 - Alexandrina Victoria becomes queen of Britain

1840 - William Henry Harrison is elected US President

1841 - John Tyler becomes US President when Harrison dies of pneumonia

1844 - James K. Polk is elected US President

1846 - war with Mexico begins

1848 - war ends with Mexico

1848 - Zachary Taylor is elected US President

1849 - California Gold rush begins

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this is a stupid question you can add an event by clicking the "add event" button below your list of events, or right click the event list, select add event, then choose the event you would like to add.

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not in my event list.

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You have to get the event Regigigas. The event was about 2 years ago.

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You can find event planners in your local phone book. You can also check on Angie's list for reputable event planners.

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An event occurring every two years is referred to as a biennial event. This pattern indicates that the event happens once every two years.

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There are countless number of event planners in the Chicago area. I wold check Angie's List for a good recommendation from those who have used these event planners.

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A bicentenary is a 200th anniversary of a specific event.

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It means that the event has been around for 100 years