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you can add an event by clicking the "add event" button below your list of events, or right click the event list, select add event, then choose the event you would like to add.

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Q: How do you add an event on game maker?
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In Game Maker can you have background music without restarting every time you enter a new room?

Yes you can. If you put the background music in the create event of anything, it will cause a problem, like you said. However, put the music in add event>other>game start.

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for a drag and drop action, there is an event called global mouse left. create an object(preferably a dress) add the event then create an action (jump to postion) give the x & y coordinates (x:mouse_x, y:mouse_y). this should make it so that you can drag and drop an item.

Who is the game maker?

Sorry, But this area is for game maker questions only, GAME MAKER, As in the PROGRAM GAME MAKER, Not Other Game Makers, Game maker is owned by yoyo games, So please dont post questions about other game makers here, but, to answer your question, game maker is the best game maker, just search yoyogames game maker in Google UK.

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Make an object about the size of your charachter(persionally i would give it the players sprite) and make it not visible and add a collision event with the object you want to turn around. In that put an event [reverse horizontal speed] and you are done! !!

How do you change the cursor on game maker 8 lite?

Easy. You create an object that looks like the cursor you want and for the step event add this code: x=mouse_x y=mouse_y Be sure to deactivate the mouse in the global game settings and to put the new object in each room.

How do I change the look of the mouse in Game Maker 7 Lite?

Go to File -> Game Settings and click the "Hide mouse" option. Then create a new object, set the sprite as your own custom cursor, and create a Step Event. In the step event, add the Jump to Position action and type in mouse_x for the x position and mouse_y for the y position. Hope that helps.

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How do you make it when an object appears when you click anywhere in the room in Game maker?

Select the event 'If Global Mouse Pressed' and in 'execute a piece of code', put instance_create(yourobject, mouse_x, mouse_y) But you should really get on the game maker fourms for this stuff :/

What is the code on game maker 8 to set score to 0 if hit by something?

score = 0; Put the code in a collision event.

What is game maker 7 pro activation code?

The Game Maker 7 Pro activation code allows you to upgrade from Game Maker 7 Lite to Game Maker 7 Pro.

What is a good video game maker for a beginner?

Game maker from yoyogames.

Can you get Game Maker without downloading?

If your talking about the game maker at "", then no.