

Best Answer


E- Elbridge Gerry

C- Caesar Rodney

L-Lyman Hall




R-Rhode Island


T-Thomas Jefferson


O-Oliver Wolcott

N-North Carolina


F-Fifty-Six singers


N-New York


E-Established (maybe)???


N-New Hemesphere



N-New Jersey



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Q: Acrostic poem on the Declaration of Independence?
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How can you make an acrostic poem about Florida?

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What is the name of the type of poem with a word going down the side and the poem next to it?

That is called an accrostic poem

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an acrostic poem for sara can be s is for special a is for awesome r is for really cool a is for active and that is the awesome acrostic poem for sara

What is an Acrostic poem for the word teacher?

An acrostic poem for the word teacher is a poem made to be given to your teacher.

What is a federalist acrostic?

It is an acrostic poem about federalists

A poem of declaration of independence?

In the heart's sovereign realm, freedom sings, A spirit untamed, on courage it clings. With rights endowed, we stand undivided, In pursuit of justice, our voices united.

Can you help with acrostic poem using the word weather?

an acrostic poem for the wrod weather

Can you make an acrostic poem for respiration?

yes you can wright a acrostic poem about the respiratory systeam

Can you give me a acrostic for igneous?

Igneous rocks form from the cooling of magma or lava, often deep within the Earth's crust. They can have a crystalline or glassy texture, depending on the rate of cooling. Igneous rocks play a crucial role in the rock cycle and can provide insights into the Earth's geological history.

What type of poem has the first letter on each line of word that is the subject of the poem?

It's called an acrostic poem.

What is an acrostic poem for budget?

Here is an example of an acrostic poem for the word budget: Budgeting means Using money wisely Debt avoidance Gambling forbidden Economic independence Taking responsibility