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Q: What Poem describes the articles Of confederation?
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What word describes the Articles of Confederation?

Weak describes the Articles of Confederation.

What describes the article of confederation?

Weak describes the Articles of Confederation.

What best describes the weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

The powers of congress were weak

What best describes why the Americans created a loose confederation of state in the articles of confederation?

They did not want a central authority like the British system.

What document preceded the constitution as the framework for American government?

the articles of confederation

The U.S. Constitution replaced the Articles of what?

The Articles of Confederation.

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the Northwest Ordinance and the Articles of Confederation?

The northwest ordinance added to the guidlines for american expansion that were introduced in the articles of confederation

Why did delegates gather in 1787 for the constitutional convention?

To amend the Articles of Confederation.

Under what document were the American colonies loosely bound during the revolutionary war?

"Articles of Confederation" OR "confederation" or "the Articles of Confederation"

Which word best describes the federal government that was created under the Articles of Confederation?

a confederal system

What was the name of the first document that governed the United States?

the articles of confederation was the first governing document

What describes the power of government provided by the Articles of Confederation?

The states had more power than the national government