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Up until a year ago, I was a party girl, going out four or five nights a week and using x every time. I took a lot of pills, it would vary from two a night to ten a night... I was stupid. I started getting phenomena four or five times a year. I didn't link the two. I realized I was getting out of control, so i removed myself from the situation. I started feeling different in about a month. I have a tremor in my right arm, I began having seizures, I have Heart disease, and I am 30 yr old going on disability. Ex is a lot of fun, and i still have urges to do it but i went to the neurologist the other day and after numerous testing, found out i had had a mild stroke. Yes ex messes with your brain. I have a good doctor that explained the effects, and it sucks because I will live with these effects forever.

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up to once a month there most likely won't be any permanent damage but constant use(1 a week or more) WILL damage your brain Yes. Remember the old commercials? This is your brain, this is your brain on drugs? They were being serious. Actually, the toxicity of Ecstasy is hotly in debate. At this time, we know the following: * Almost all deaths involving Ecstasy also involve the ingestion of another drug. * Ecstasy has unpredictable (for now) and potentially dangerous effects on people who are taking MAOI's and SSRI's (for different reasons). * Dehydration and hyperthermia (running a high temperature) are dangerous factors associated with incidental usage. * Chronic factors are uncertain at this time. * Because Ecstasy is internationally illegal, there are no controls on dosage or adulterants. In some cases ibuprofen poisoning has occurred when the user overdosed, not on Ecstasy but on the cut. * Chemically, Ecstasy is similar to methamphetamine, and thus some of the same cautions would logically (although not necessarily empirically) apply. * Did I mention this drug is universally illegal? Lifestyle change alert for those that are arrested. That said, there is also a large number of scientists who are interested in potential therapeutic aspects of Ecstasy. Even though the drug was first synthesized in the later 19th century, it didn't really surface until the 1950's, where its use was classified by the miltary of the US and the USSR, who considered using a weaponized version of it. Until the 1970's it was pretty much unknown. Does it fry your brain? No. Neurotoxic effects have been alleged but not proven. Is it dangerous? Pharmacologically, there's a definite possibility, but we lack certainty in all aspects. Legally, most definitely. A side note: Most statistics on ecstasy are assuming that the user is taking a pure form. However, a good deal of "street chemist" also use their own products. It is not uncommon for bad batches to make it out onto the street. As a police dispatcher, there were countless times I had officers in the club district come up on the radio needing an ambulance for someone down with a stopped heart from taking E. No matter what the actual neurological effect of the chemical, a stopped heart and no oxygen can cause brain damage. That is assuming they are able to get your heart started again.

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13y ago

Some animal studies have shown that ecstasy can negatively affect the serotonin system in the brain and damage neurons

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Does ecstasy put a whole in your brain?

No it Just Eliminates Brain Cells.

Does ecstasy put holes in your brain or make your brain bleed?

No! MDMA does not put holes in your brain. It is highly illogical to say such nonsense. The "Holes" in the brain were spots in the brain that are inactive. MDMA causes very little brain damage if at all if taken in moderation...

Why do you experience pleasurable feeling when taking Ecstasy?

Because MDMA (Ecstasy) causes a flood of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is the chemical that creates a sense of well-being and balances your mood. Ecstasy causes all the serotonin in your brain to be released at once. That is why people often feel depressed and unhappy for a day or so after taking Ecstasy. All of the serotonin in their brain has been depleted, and it takes awhile for your brain to replace it.

Can you show some of our body organ which damage by taking ecstasy?

Your brain will be damaged after taking ecstasy for your first time

Why does Ecstasy have a hard crash?

Because MDMA (Ecstasy) causes a flood of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is the chemical that creates a sense of well-being and balances your mood. Ecstasy causes all the serotonin in your brain to be released at once. That is why people often feel depressed and unhappy for a day or so after taking Ecstasy. All of the serotonin in their brain has been depleted, and it takes awhile for your brain to replace it. So, there is a comedown, or crash, after taking Ecstasy, but it is not nearly as bad as the comedown you get from other drugs, like speed and especially cocaine.

Does ecstasy cause brain damage the size of a quarter?

It cause zero brain damage, if used in moderation...

How Ecstasy effects your Social health?

it can cause brain damage to your health

Why does ecstasy affect your brain?

it does no direct damage but affects mood, and memory

Why do you get paranoid on ecstasy?

Why do you get paranoid on your mom? She and ecstacy mess with your brain, and your emotions.

Does ecstasy cause your brain to bleed?

Ecstasy can increase the risk of bleeding inside the brain, especially when taken in high doses or combined with other substances. It can elevate blood pressure and body temperature, which may lead to blood vessel damage and an increased risk of hemorrhage. It's important to be cautious and informed about the potential risks associated with ecstasy use.

Why do people say Ecstasy puts holes in your brain?

Not litteraly, it burns away your brain tissue making parts of the brain forever useless

What does ecstasy do to your spine?

no, this is an urban myth. it was started by peoplemisinterpreting the procedure used in finding the effects of Ecstasy They would do a spinal tap to see if the Ecstasy effected certain parts of the body. This doesn't mean that its okay to use Ecstasy, because it does effect your brain, and can cause memory loss, severe brain damage and learning disorders.