No, it's not - sneezing is a broad example of MANY symptoms such as a cold for example.
could be a sign of cocaine use - could be the sign of a cold or allergy
no,it just means you need to get rid of bactira
Cocaine musik
In general some long term signs of crack cocaine use is a twitch like action that occurs randomly, another general sign is the gums and teeth if it was being smoked. Crack cocaine causes multiple effects which can mostly be classified as brain damage.
crack is wack cocaine is lame cocaine is for pussies
Don't do cocaine.
It's dangerous to use cocaine before doing anything. Or after.
cocaine can kill you. enuf said
...or depression, or use of anti-depressant medication, or medical problems or just plain busy/distracted, or maybe doesn't feel that spark of the relationship any more.Don't automatically assume the worst.AnswerTo directly answer your question, No, loss of sex drive is NOT a sign of cocaine addiction, in fact an increase in sex drive may be a sign of cocaine addiction because: Cocaine is a powerful nervous system stimulant therefore it increases alertness, feelings of well-being and euphoria, energy and motor activity, feelings of competence and sexuality and may enhance athletic performance. However cocaine can effect sperm count and may delay male ejaculation.
cocaine will really help your baby develop a cocaine addiction.
Penile reduction usually is a sign of heavy cocaine use. This is due to the fact that the drug contains microscopic gnomes, and well, they think its funny.