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One's period is irregular for the first few years. lf it goes beyond that, talk to your doctor.

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Q: Your period is late and it hasn't came in 5 days is that normal?
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I took my last pill today and came on your period is that normal?

This is normal with birth control. You will have a period anytime within the 7 days of the last pills.

Can you be pregnant if your period came on even though your boyfriend cam in you some days before your period?

It's unlikely if you've had your normal period.

Is it normal to have your period for 8 days while your on the shot?

It is normal to have your period for eight days but only if it is normal - spotting.

Is it normal for a woman to have a period more than 7 days?

Yes, it is normal to have a period more than 7 days. In fact, a period of up to 8 days is considered normal.

Your period came 5 days early and was normallasted about 3 days But now it is only 25 days after the start of your last period and you are having period symptoms again cramping fatique could you be pg?

It is normal to have variations and healthy. If in doubt go to a health center or get a test kit.

Can you still be pregnant if you've had your normal period for 5 days and the first urine test came backpositive but two other tests came up negative?

you are most likely not pregnant.

How many days is a normal menstrual period?

28 Days

Is it normal to have your period for eight days?

Yes, it can be completely normal for you to have your period for eight days. The average period is around 5-7 days but everyone is different and some periods can be much longer for some people.

Is it normal if your period came on the third of a month and then it came on the eighteenth of the same month is that normal?

Every woman is different, and the AVERAGE cycle length is 28 days. However, your cycle may be anywhere from 21-45 days, which would explain different days that your period falls on each month. I recommend that you keep a log on your calendar for the first day of your period each month. This will not only help you better approximate when your next period will be, but be extremely useful when trying to get pregnant or when you do get pregnant, since they will ask for your first day of your last menstrual period to calculate your due date.

Your period is delay is taking 33 days is it normal?

Yes. This is normal

Novemeber 21 you came on your period it lasted for 4 days now its only been 12 days since you been off your period and im back on and its only decmember 2 and that period lasted for three days are you?

no..your not pregnant that happens sometimes after having sex or it's normal ...but it's common...your safe =)

Every how many days should someone get their period?

A normal period can be 3-7 days long.